There was a time when the word cannabis conjured up one image – that of a group of long-haired stoners passing a joint around and gradually getting mellow, with one eye constantly on the lookout for any passing police officer out to spoil their fun. These days, we know far more about cannabis and different products like seeds, CBD and hemp oil that are available.
Still, the notion of pro or semi-pro footballers using cannabis products is one that leaves many feeling uncomfortable. After all, it is still a controlled substance as far as UK sports bodies are concerned. Times, however, are changing. CBD is becoming a mainstream health supplement and a growing list of countries are decriminalising recreational marijuana. It’s high time we took a pragmatic look at the different types of cannabis products out there and how they might be used by footballers.
Recreational products such as kush and indica
Let’s go in at the deep end. Right now, if a Scottish footballer decided to smoke a joint or buy some kush seeds to grow his own cannabis plants, the consequences would be severe. However, that is liable to change. We need only look at the USA, where more and more states are legalizing possession, use and cultivation of recreational cannabis containing THC (the psychotropic cannabinoid that creates the “high”).
Of course, that doesn’t mean NFL and MLS players are out on the field stoned. They would no more smoke a joint before a game than they would drink a case of beers, even though neither is illegal. However, players in states that have decriminalized find that recreational weed has a calming and relaxing influence when they are not playing, while arguably being better for their bodies than other legal stimulants like tobacco or alcohol.
Non-THC products like CBD and hemp oil
The big difference with these products is that they do not contain THC, or only trace amounts. In other words, if you use hemp oil or take a CBD supplement you will not feel high or get an attack of the munchies.
Hemp oil is highly nutritious and is particularly effective at nourishing the skin. This is, in itself, an area that footballers often neglect, but they do so at their peril. Spending so much time outside in all conditions can cause the skin to dry out and prematurely age, so looking after it is vital.
Perhaps the most useful cannabis product for footballers, however, is CBD. Its properties and effects are numerous, and are deserving of an article in their own right. In brief, however, CBD has proven anti-inflammatory properties, meaning it can be a significant weapon in reducing recovery time from injury. It also helps with chronic problems such as early-onset arthritis or long-tern knee conditions.
Research on the different cannabinoids in cannabis is still at a relatively early stage. As it continues, more benefits are certain to be discovered. Cannabis clearly has applications for footballers and other athletes that cannot be ignored.