CBD is being widely touted as the must-have panacea for everything from anxiety to arthritis. While CBD oil has proven properties that can benefit people from all walks of life, it is, in particular, taking the sports and athletics world by storm.
In football, the 2017 decision by the World Anti Doping Agency to grant CBD an exemption from the list of prohibited substances meant that players in the SPL, EPL and other major football leagues were free to use CBD at will. As a result CBD capsules, creams and massage oils from well known brands like Cibdol swiftly became an essential part of the pro footballer’s kit as we headed to Russia for the last World Cup. But how much of it was hype, and what are the real benefits of CBD for footballers?
Ankle and knee injuries
Injury comes with the territory when you are a footballer, and by far the most common type is to the ankles and especially the knees. That’s no big surprise, as in addition to the strain put on these joints by repetitive running and turning, they are also the most exposed to those aggressive swiping tackles.
One of the most important properties of CBD is that it is an effective anti-inflammatory. A CBD joint stick can be applied directly to the affected area to provide swift relief, and also to help expedite recovery. Players living with long term knee problems, or in other words, most players in their mid-30s and beyond, find that taking CBD regularly helps to keep the condition in check and prevent flare ups.
Muscle sprains
Any activity that involves 90 minutes of intense exercise will expose the body to potential sprains and strains. This is especially the case for those who are not as assiduous as they might be regarding warm-ups. CBD is effective at combating this issue, relieving soreness and tightness in the joints and muscles.
In this context, it is best used as a preventative measure. However, it can also help to aid recovery if injury strikes, thanks to those anti-inflammatory properties mentioned earlier, getting pros back off the bench and out in the middle faster.
Reducing anxiety
CBD is non-psychotropic, so there is no danger of players taking to the field high or “spaced out.” Having said that, however, it does have a calming effect on mood. In the USA, where CBD has been in use longer and there is, therefore, more data on which to draw. MLS players have said that taking CBD, either in capsule form or as an additive to food or drink, makes them feel more relaxed and confident as they take to the field for a big game.
Exactly how it does this is still being researched, but the popular theory is that it triggers neurotransmitters in the body, prompting production of serotonin. Effectively, this means it has a similar effect to that of Prozac. The difference is that CBD oil is completely natural, it is non-addictive and you don’t need a doctor’s prescription to get your hands on some.