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One year ago


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Hopefully this doesn't come across as a load of self indulgent tosh.  It's genuinely not meant to be, so I'll keep it brief rather than wallowing through all the details.

A year ago tomorrow, I was diagnosed with cancer. 

About 4 weeks before that I knew something wasn't right.  I toyed with the idea of not going to the doctors, because "it might be nothing" and I "didn't want to bother them".  I've stuck those two statements in inverted commas because I know from experience that those are two of the main reasons for putting off going to the doctors.

I eventually went because "it might be nothing" could also "be something".  And I'm glad I did.  In the space of 4 weeks, I had an ultrasound, CT scan, surgery, MRI scan and started chemotherapy.

Several chemo sessions, about a million injections and a blood transfusion later, I'm now in remission (though I call it the all clear) and so many doctors have said that catching these things early is so important in fighting it.

So, the point of all this shite is - if you suspect something is wrong, or if you think you should be checked over.  DO IT.  Don't wait until next week.  Don't wait to see if whatever it is goes - it might not.

It's scary as f**k when you suspect something is wrong, but ignoring it won't make it go away.  Get it checked.  I promise you'll feel better when you do.

Right, that's me said my piece - let the verbal pounding commence.

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