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DA Baracus

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Somewhat to the left but generally find myself infuriated with those on the left. Typically very authoritarian, have unreleastic visions of how Britain should be and feel the need to hate anyone who doesn't share their viewpoint.

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I'm apparently comparable to Gandhi on the political compass, but I do find 'lefties' intolerable sometimes with their vitriolic hatred of anyone with different views. It's not a good look for them when they're preaching about others being hateful.

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Most people I've come across are broadly centrist in their views. One of the most frustrating things I find when talking to someone whose firmly on the left or right, is they'll try to paint people as the polar opposite of them. When people aren't fully on board with them. Ironically it just drives normally moderate people to further extremes. Just look at the issue of immigration. The people on the left aren't interested in any rational debate on the issue, and resort to intellectually lazy arguments in the form of "racist" and "xenophobe". This is driving even people normally on the center left to parties and movements which are broadly viewed as having skeptical stances on immigration. Likewise disagreeing with someone on the right on economic issues often means running into unsubstantiated labels in the form of "communist" or being painted as some hardline socialist type.

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:lol: Very poor quality attempt at trolling.

I don't think anyone will take lectures from a bitter failed politician whose contempt for all oozes from him despite occasional attempts to mask it.

I resent the suggestion that I make even occasional attempts to mask my contempt for all of humanity.

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People that walk around like their farts smell of Chanel No 5 because of their political opinions, which generally extend to posting inaccurate memes on Facebook or posting on forums like this, are unutterably dreary and tiresome.


Of course, you get the other side of coin, the 'plain spoken', tell-it-like-it-is hail fellow, well met harumpers, who subscribe to their own form of political correctness every bit as rigid and unthinking as anything from the Left.


Essentially everyone is wrong.

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Why would I be a member of a left-wing party (I'm also a member of Progress another left-Wing group) if I wasn't left-wing?


The Labour Party hasn't been left wing since Blair changed it.


I'm only interested in Labour at the moment because they finally have a decent guy at the helm - sadly, though, due to the Blairites, Corbyn doesn't have a hope in hell.


If you're a Blairite, you're right wing.

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I think it was 'Left Wing Communism an Infantile Disorder'. One of the few tombs I actually managed to read.



So, now that we've established you don't spend a lot of time in graveyards, what are your hobbies?

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People who consider themselves centrists or moderately left wing today will be, if they hold their position, be moving further to the perceived left of politics as time passes.

The overton window has been, and is being, manipulated and shifted by the establishment and their friends that own the media right under our very noses.

People should decide and study their own moral ideology and forget about where that puts them on an imaginary graph.

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The Labour Party hasn't been left wing since Blair changed it.

I'm only interested in Labour at the moment because they finally have a decent guy at the helm - sadly, though, due to the Blairites, Corbyn doesn't have a hope in hell.

If you're a Blairite, you're right wing.

That's utter shite.

If you are Blairite you are a Social Democrat centrist.

But then that's probably leftist posturing on you part.

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Ad Lib claiming to be anything other than right wing. :lol:

I'm probably economically centrist to centre right by most standards but I'm clearly not "right wing".

I voted for a party in the last set of elections that wanted to raise income tax, significantly increase education and health spending, and replace the council tax with a local tax that levies more on the rich and less on the poor.

That's a more left-wing prospectus than the majority of people who post on this sub forum voted for.

The year before last I voted for a party that proposed to introduce a mansion tax and abolish tax relief for high earning pensioners.

I'm hardly Attila the Currant Bun.

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