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RISE - The "Scottish Syriza"


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If you mean the BNP/NF/SDL Don't be so fucking stupid. The SSP had 6 MSP's and had policies that are now mainstream in Scottish politics. The far right want a racially pure society where gays, trade unionists & anyone else they don't like are interned or killed. And don't come back with Stalin or the Khmer Rouge cos there was nothing remotely left wing about either.

Zealots do what zealots do.
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So Stalin and Pol Pot are to be left out.

Who else shall we avoid talking about?

The Kim dynasty?


Che Guevara?

The Red Brigades?


Preferably. Except Che che che's OK. Also John Maclean, Hugo Chavez, Rosa Luxembourg, Emiliano Zapata are all on my 'good' list.

How's your extreme right 'good guys' list going? Griffin?, Copeland?, Mosley?, Adair?

Aye nae difference.

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in any case, none of these historical figures are relevant to the choice on Thursday.


The choice is between some red faced UKIP jakeballs, a hate-filled lone cretin from Aberdeen representing the NF, a convicted fraudster standing for the CPB on the same list, Tommy Sheridan's fan club, and some students in Palestinian scarves led by Colin Fox.


A plague on all their houses. But whilst I can see myself even sitting down at the same table as lying Tommy, I can't see myself having a drink with Coburn or whatever that NF p***k is called. The idea that the lefties in this list of losers are as hate filled and dangerous as a guy who wants to deport folk based on the colour of their skin and wipe out an entire group of peoples based on their religion, is a bit if a joke.


anyway I assume you're trolling (whichever banned returning alias Streetwise Hercules might be, certainly is).

Edited by Ivo den Bieman
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You forgot Nigel Farage.

Disappointed in you.

And as much as Nick Griffin is a c**t, he's no Mao Zedong or Mario Moretti as far as I can tell.

I didn't, Farage though objectionable is not extreme right.

Griffin is an unreconstructed national socialist who tried to play at democratic politics for a while. He would love to have contributed to the holocaust.

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Well I didn't move the discussion on to the far-left in general; I merely added to it.


The far-left, when in power, has had a history of genocide, ethnic cleansing and mass murder to rival anything else the world has seen.

Edited by McRuffian
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Preferably. Except Che che che's OK. Also John Maclean, Hugo Chavez, Rosa Luxembourg, Emiliano Zapata are all on my 'good' list.

How's your extreme right 'good guys' list going? Griffin?, Copeland?, Mosley?, Adair?

Aye nae difference.



Not wanting to get into debate about this but no he wasn't.




Che ran the Santa Clara and La Cabana prisons where hundreds of dissidents were murdered. Here's the list of those who were killed - http://cubaarchive.org/home/images/stories/truth%20and%20memory/victims_of_che_guevara_in_cuba_9.30.2009.pdf 


Castro regarded gays as a bourgeois and in need of "re-education" - http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-latin-america-11147157. Guevara established the Cuban forced labour camps where dissidents and gays were held and beaten. Gays were not allowed to serve in the army. They were sent to the camps for re-education instead of doing compulsory military service. 

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The idea that the lefties in this list of losers are as hate filled and dangerous as a guy who wants to deport folk based on the colour of their skin and wipe out an entire group of peoples based on their religion, is a bit if a joke.

Che ran the Santa Clara and La Cabana prisons where hundreds of dissidents were murdered. Here's the list of those who were killed - http://cubaarchive.org/home/images/stories/truth%20and%20memory/victims_of_che_guevara_in_cuba_9.30.2009.pdf


Castro regarded gays as a bourgeois and in need of "re-education" - http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-latin-america-11147157. Guevara established the Cuban forced labour camps where dissidents and gays were held and beaten. Gays were not allowed to serve in the army. They were sent to the camps for re-education instead of doing compulsory military service.


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Che ran the Santa Clara and La Cabana prisons where hundreds of dissidents were murdered. Here's the list of those who were killed - http://cubaarchive.org/home/images/stories/truth%20and%20memory/victims_of_che_guevara_in_cuba_9.30.2009.pdf


Castro regarded gays as a bourgeois and in need of "re-education" - http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-latin-america-11147157. Guevara established the Cuban forced labour camps where dissidents and gays were held and beaten. Gays were not allowed to serve in the army. They were sent to the camps for re-education instead of doing compulsory military service. 


In the same time period, gay men were being chemically sterilised in the UK and homosexual acts between consenting adults could led to prison and certainly social disgrace.


In the same time period, black men were still being lynched in the deep south of the USA, and the battle started by Rosa Park in Montgomery, Alabama, had only just begun against a fiercely opposed white establishment.


we could play this game all day. These historical facts have nothing whatever to do with the choice on the list in tomorrow's election.

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