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The Alternative Leigh Griffiths Blog...

St. Starko

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As Leigh updates his blog, I'll probably continue to offer my alternative version.

Updates to follow.......

I said that in February 2010, just after the first installment was posted. Turns out I wasn't kidding, eh? f**k sake.

Before this thread quietly slips away like David Goodwillie from the kitchen of a house party where a drunken sleeping beauty awaits upstairs, I'd like to say thanks to everyone who offered their kind words and support during the course of this whole episode. I greatly and sincerely appreciated the posts, PMs and emails. Thank you very much.

Thanks especially to Raith Against the Machine for setting up the Facebook page (2500+ people "like" it now; mental!), Harrington for being the only c**t in the whole fucking thread who stepped forward to say it was a load of shite and got me telt (baws oot, pal!), and to WendyWho? for his support from start to finish, and indeed for making the suggestion to create a proper blog page outwith P&B for it. Muggy also helped out that suggestion was made, so cheers to you too, chief.

To the Photoshopers who posted blog-related images in the thread - fucking fantastic work, people. I don't recall one that didn't make me smile or laugh. Cheers.

That's it done and dusted. It's been fun, and I'll miss writing it. Having lived a life not short of shameful moments it's been good to finally do something I'm actually quite proud of.

I just gave you the green dot that took your rep from 999 to 1000.


Cheers, mid. Let me know if the celebratory circus parade that includes elephants, confetti cannons and transsexual clowns who may seem weird but - and I promise you this - ken whaur the perty's at, has reached your street. If the 1000th Greenie celebration I set up for the member who delivered the decisive plus point doesn't shown up in the next hour or two it means I've sent them to the wrong address, and that, my good man, won't go down well for some poor soul who doesn't dig giant, lumbering jungle beats carrying woman with cocks and a "can do" attitude.


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feel like a gadge who just had his buckfast and skins chored

Cheers Barry great effort, kept me sane on my a long shift at work

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Well done Barry, for this work of a madman/genius i think you should get to play as a trialist for the next 3 games. you deserve a statue in your honour (maybe a giant slice/square/lorne suasage roll ) . Cheers Cunto

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Cheers, mid. Let me know if the celebratory circus parade that includes elephants, confetti cannons and transsexual clowns who may seem weird but - and I promise you this - ken whaur the perty's at, has reached your street. If the 1000th Greenie celebration I set up for the member who delivered the decisive plus point doesn't shown up in the next hour or two it means I've sent them to the wrong address, and that, my good man, won't go down well for some poor soul who doesn't dig giant, lumbering jungle beats carrying woman with cocks and a "can do" attitude.


That fat genius Ronaldo could definitely back this up...that crazy brazillian b*****d bloody loves a tranny or three.

Just remember folks, freaky deakys need love too.

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Well done Barry, for this work of a madman/genius i think you should get to play as a trialist for the next 3 games. you deserve a statue in your honour (maybe a giant slice/square/lorne suasage roll ) . Cheers Cunto


Two excellent suggestions there, gjca. I was a decent player in my time; there's no doubt I could still do a job for Dundee. Sure, people might not appreciate the fact I'm smoking, breathing out my arse after three minutes and apparently playing with an erection, but God fucking damn it I'd be some kind of hero by the end of the game.

That covers the statue too I suppose: me, in a Dundee strip, playing with a fag in my hand and a hard-on that would sink ships in my shorts. We'll make it a big bronze effort, let's say 145ft tall, and stick it in the sloping wilderness behind the Derry. The head will be hollowed out and furnished so Super Tommy can use it as a vantage point for doing the official website's live match updates. Maybe I'll pop a few of my transsexual associates in there to spice things up for him, and indeed anyone who happens to be following the update service on match days.

Just remember folks, freaky deakys need love too.

Ain't that the truth. With a tits/cock combo to bring to the table, they have a whole lotta lovin' to give.

Follow DFC's official website live update service for more info.

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