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On Sunday night it was too hot to sleep, so I left the bedroom window open. I was assaulted by a f*ckload of mosquitos and currently sport at least 5 separate bites. One of them is on the middle knuckle of my right index finger. My right index finger is currently around twice the size of my left index finger. It is irritating the shit out of me.

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Well at least I got one right and amused Ellie...I'm on tomorrow also. What fun!

Also I bought Richard a pint in the hotel bar the night before then he goes and nominates me! Twat.

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Tip. Never lift anything with a woman. Or women for that matter. There was an old piano in my work's garage that needed taken to the tip. The handyman had taken it to bits but the bit with all the 'wire' notes was still a big bulk and heavy as f*ck. He was also busy at the time hence why 3 women were there to 'help' :wacko:

It's a wee van so it needed to be lifted and tipped to one side. It was all achieved and all it needed was to be slid further into the van. I was doing this but the other 3 decided it wasn't for them. Crash. Stuck like the fucker outa 127 Hours :angry: I'm just grateful it was the skin it caught because had it landed on the bone there's no question it would have at least fractured!

Stupid bitches

This is you isn't it?


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You don't have to go dookin for the shit, you can swab it off the toilet paper, jobbies a good un.

Mrs Biggie is a charge nurse, according to her the sweat off your arse when wiping could contaminate it, and it wouldn't be a 'pure sample'.

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