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Gold Forum Discussion.

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  • 6 months later...
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I was thinking there could be another section for the sort of memorable things that have happened. Like the whole McCann saga, the shootings in England and stuff like that. Them threads as things unfold are always interesting to look back on.

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  • 5 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

Just been having a wee browse through the Gold Forum and some of the threads are just superb, even now years after they were started. We haven't had anything quite like it on the boards since.

To rate these threads would be unfair as all are great for their own reasons, the Shitting Stories one is great on so many different levels, some of the ways people have described their incidents.

Then their is the plasma telly for £50 thread that had Duffman Günther well and truelly caught out.

Oh and Rinky_Sidebottom's thread god what ever happened to him.

I think we need a few of these threads to be reopened especially the Shitting Stories one, that has some decent mileage still in it.

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  • 2 months later...

Just read Panic Merchants at Northern Rock. Pure tragi-comedy. Sad for those who lost money, but unbelievable how they thought they couldn't lose, by buying shares in it just before it's final collapse. One poor guy may have lost around £50,000 without telling his missus what he was up to. huh.gif Someone should make a radio play out of it, a tale of how a few people who don't know what they're doing convince each other that they do, and that everyone else are saps.

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Now that Litchieforlife is banned I nominate the Rebecca Black thread for the Gold Forum. smile.gif

Get that misspelt footballers thread in here and the HSF vs PoP thread too.

Also the Ambulance thread!

I nominate the ambulance thread. I also nominate HSF vs PoP.

I agree with all of these, 4 absolutely hilarious threads!

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The Hearts Hibs 5-1 thread should get in as a defining point in their Rivalry. One of the all time best match threads (apart from smug Hearts fans) Plus the amount of eyebleeding pictures makes it a classic. The Edinburgh derby will never as one sided for a long time...

The Rangers Administration Thread should be retired to save it from itself. A classic in it's prime now just a shadow of of it's former glory. surely is it the longest thread on P&B and should be preserved from further stupidity on both sides.

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  • 1 month later...

Anyone want to second a nomination for the Top 50 Movies, Albums and TV Shows threads, so as they don't get lost in a cull?

EDIT: Include the Electronic Albums in there too. There was an actors one as well, wasn't there?

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