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Ebanda's Handyman Services

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Everything posted by Ebanda's Handyman Services

  1. HEY!! Just for that remark I'm gonna piss through your letter box after I've pinched your garden gnomes.
  2. My car is in for it's first M.O.T. This is the first M.O.T. that I've put a car in for and I'm dreading the results. My car is running fine but I know I need brake pads. Are they expensive? Edited due to pish spelling.
  3. If I go for a jobby at work, I usually wait for the urinals to start flushing before pushing out a potentially farty number. B) Our toilets are quite big so the many flushing urinals make quite a bit of noise.
  4. Would you rather they didnt work at all and sponge off the dole? Snob.
  5. Think yourself lucky that you dont have to shave SaintSam. (Her face, pervs) Although shaving over a cold sore does seem to help.
  6. Or tell him you're gonna get him on the way home after school where there's gonna be loads of folk shouting "fight, fight, fight."
  7. Derailed:- Wouldnt have chosen to watch this but the girl recommended it and I thoroughly enjoyed it. 7/10 A night to remember:- Titanic movie made in 1958. 10 times better than the Hollywood version purely because there's no sign of Celine Dion. 8/10
  8. I didnt think 'Baby on board' signs were so offensive. Im gonna buy another one to piss off more seedless wonders.
  9. Spot on Supermac. Arsehole drivers arent gonna stop driving like lunatics when they see a 'Baby on board' sign. Might make other people with a bit more sense give a little more thought though. To be honest, I wouldnt have given the topic much thought but when the wee man came along it changed the way I think about things dramatically.
  10. I respect the point that you're making there RosscoTon but I just think I would feel worse killing a child.
  11. I agreed with you concerning the fact that we should drive safe regardless. Do you realise how condescending you are? Anyone would feel that wee bit worse about killing a child. If you wouldnt, good for you. Wait until you have a child, you may re-think your opinions.
  12. Of course it is, I'm not agreeing with you after all. I would, of course feel terrible if I killed anybody due to my own negligent driving. I would feel worse killing a child who had just came into the world, it's as simple as that.
  13. I would feel less bad because at least you've had some life to live where if you killed a child the poor wee thing wont have had a chance at a life. 100% agree with your thought's though, if everyone drove safe all the time, 'Baby on board' signs probably wouldnt exist. Never gonna happen though.
  14. Im more cautious when I see a 'Baby on Board' sign, give them a wee bit more room too. Dont know if you have any kids Supermac but if my wee boy is in the back and someone is driving right up my arse it makes me mad. What if I had to break suddenly then the arse at the back of me would hit our car and possibly injure the wee man.
  15. Thats true in my relationship too. Think I must be the only person to 'crash' my car at 2 miles per hour and cause £360 worth of damage. My annoyance just now, talking about cars, is that I have to drive Carol's bright purple Micra in to work next Thursday while mine is in for it's M.O.T. The car looks like Barney the dinosaur's head and does 0-60 in 3 months.
  16. Telling people that certain things are alpha-numerical they almost always repeat back "It needs numbers and letters then." You dont say.
  17. They're the worst kind, power hungry idiots who contribute f**k all. Conspire with your colleagues to get her fired.
  18. Stick to sharp replies like that rather than daft threads and you'll be alright.
  19. Tell her the next time that you're ill, you'll bring the evidence in and leave it on her desk. Dont expect thanks from an employer, most of us are just seen as a number.
  20. Chances are, if you've just been off for one day that there hasn't been much wrong with you and you've just woken up and thought "I cannae be arsed going in today." Stop being so fucking lazy and haul yer arse oot o' yer bed!
  21. Watched The Illusionist last night. Thought it was very good if a bit transparent. Well worth watching. 7/10.
  22. Ahh right. Was that the reply you done in 'code'? Think I saw it, what was the supposedly abusive part?
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