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Everything posted by aaa

  1. The last 22 seasons https://www.myfootballfacts.com/world-football/scottish-football/scottish_premier_league_points/
  2. aaa


    that's why I said 'maybe'
  3. aaa


    maybe they won't have to... https://www.theneweuropean.co.uk/top-stories/english-independence-polling-by-panelbase-1-6745542
  4. I remember watching a programme about tunnel warfare during WW1, the massive explosion which left the Lochnager crater was the largest ever explosion until the first atomic tests if I remember correctly.
  5. That wee bump beside Davie's Bourach? A fine spot. It is indeed a fine spot.I took this picture about twelve years ago, it was a very hot day and I stupidly got quite badly burnt.
  6. https://www.greengardener.co.uk/biodegradable-weedkiller.html
  7. https://www.wilko.com/en-uk/roundup-naturals-weedkiller-3l/p/0489453?nst=0&gclid=Cj0KCQjw3Nv3BRC8ARIsAPh8hgLPc4rt8FOncw0K79ys1D7l2TNx5wA1MX5P_byrx8Py8Zh3xLhNgucaAimYEALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds
  8. https://ucr.fbi.gov/crime-in-the-u.s/2017/crime-in-the-u.s.-2017/tables/table-43
  9. 'acceptable bit of fun' said the Tory MP Sir Desmond Swayne
  10. Did you remember to put your clothes back on?
  11. They won't believe you,they still don't believe their queen is german
  12. I'm no expert but it looks like a willow to me.
  13. DH is the lead government department in England during the health response to an influenza pandemic. It will also perform a number of lead functions for the devolved administrations of Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, and take overarching responsibility for the UK response.
  14. https://thepetvault.com/products/planet-dog-orbee-tuff-soccer-ball-dog-football?variant=27673292210278&currency=GBP&utm_medium=product_sync&utm_source=google&utm_content=sag_organic&utm_campaign=sag_organic&gclid=CjwKCAjwztL2BRATEiwAvnALcv0g6Z3jnk4QIW-fy7gGRS0wKnvrVNqXJnnhBPVvfu5rVYPXUeC6AhoCCusQAvD_BwE
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