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Everything posted by Detournement

  1. Lacey asking Tipruic and Jones for some advice.
  2. Good defence though. Two tries saved by Henry on his debut. Ospreys are playing League without a tackle count.
  3. Oswald had quite the life though. He knew lots of interesting people who had links to the CIA, high society etc. Why not Ted Cruz's Da? Obama's Maw had a kid with a guy studying in America on a CIA scholarship and then married an Indonesian government official while the CIA were helping them murder hundreds of thousands of leftists. It's a small world.
  4. The thing about Ted Cruz's Da might not actually be that mental. Oswald hung about with a lot of Cuban nutters from both sides in the months leading up to the shooting.
  5. https://www.theguardian.com/education/2018/aug/31/dozens-of-secondary-schools-exclude-at-least-20-of-pupils An unbelievable article about schools which exclude 20% of pupils. Unsurprisingly they are all academies. These vultures also have their eyes set on Scotland and must be opposed.
  6. Tony B is going to take his belts, his curly wurly trophy, his couch, his hub caps and that daft bit of hair if he's still got it. Do it for the casuals Bellew!
  7. Switch Hamilton for Bradbury and that's the first XV.
  8. The SNP have a huge payroll now who will stay loyal whatever happens and the membership are generally drones who follow the party line on absolutely everything. There is zero chance of a split over this.
  9. The US didn't follow any rules in Vietnam beyond not using Atomic weapons. The institutional racism that underwrites their aggresion abroad wouldn't apply in the USA. Working class Americans wouldn't attack each other.
  10. The Vietnamese and Iraqis did ok. Afghans are in their 17th year against the mighty US Army. Individually the gun nuts are outmanned but collectively they have to be respected.
  11. It's almost as if there are different rules for the rich....
  12. There is no comparison between the two. The idea that you need to contribute financially to a cause to have a political view on is typical right wing idiocy.
  13. Anyone donating their cash to someone as wealthy as Salmond is off their head.
  14. Trump's win was similar to Cameron's majority in 2015 won by 900 votes. Extremely efficient analytics.
  15. Cynical playing to the crank market. It's certainly not a good look. However I still think all the alternative media sources which have provided perspective on Syria have done a valuable job countering MSM war mongering and staggering amounts of propaganda. Post Iraq the public won't be drawn into a war in the convential way so lies are crafted about African mercanaries being given viagra and 7 year old bloggers end up with publicity agents.
  16. It looks like it might be happening though. The Times are reporting that Macron is pushing for Chequers. Bankers' stooge to the rescue!
  17. Has anyone got Premier Sports? I'm seeing some comments that the preview show was basically an All Ireland affair. The SRU will really have a feather in their caps if they've took the pro teams off the BBC (and Sky) to be patronised on a channel no one has.
  18. So just second hand smears by pro war outlets? That Olivia Solon article is one of the most things absurd things ever published.
  19. Any quotes for that? "Vanessa Beeley 9/11" doesn't turn up anything. This article comes up for Charlie Hedbo https://thewallwillfall.org/2015/09/14/charlie-hebdo-incitement-to-war/ It doesn't say that the Charlie Hedbo attack was staged. It says that Charlie Hedbo is funded to stir up racial hate (like the Daily Mail, Fox News and the Spectator).
  20. Why would the alternative media report on SAA torture? (i) It's already reported by MSM (ii) It simply puts Syria in a club with every other country which has faced an existential threat. Syria is the same as Ukraine. There did not need to be a war. Millions of people have suffered because of this and our media continually distrorts how the war began and how it has managed to last longer than World War 2. Assad is obviously a reprehensible dictator but the evidence is clear that a large proportion of the Syrian people have stuck with him, that government held areas are safe and that the horror stories about Ghouta and Aleppo don't stand up to scrutiny while Mosul and Raqqa are in complete ruins.
  21. They don't need the Neo Nazis in parliament. Just out on the street killing people. Odessa the city where right wing paramilitaries burnt a building full of trade unionists https://www.theguardian.com/world/2014/may/02/ukraine-dead-odessa-building-fire
  22. I don't have a clue about Srebrenica. Vannesa Beeley is a good journalist.
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