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Everything posted by Akritoi

  1. Sort of like a King Kong/Godzilla esque fight in, just for the Hell of it, New York. Dunno about you but I'd buy a ticket to see it!
  2. Wonder if Venessa Feltz will make a sign of support as well
  3. Well if Big Elaine said so and Philomenia, or whatever her name is, we best do otherwise the two will join forces and fat whiny bitches will rule the World!
  4. Don't think many folk will be trying to abduct you old boy
  5. Does depending on which pub you're in playing it
  6. Universal Nation - Push mixed by some twat
  7. You know f**k all. Now f**k off like a good wee schoolgirl and fist yerslef in the wee corner claiming no-one underfuckingstands you.
  8. Disagree. After having read some truly geeky novels about Dwarves, I have decided to speak like me brethren.
  9. Not so much a complaint...but everyone seems to have visited me profile today.
  10. Aye, and I made the unfotune mistake of lening them too me soon to be stepmother. She threw 'em out
  11. Ah, cannae do much better than that unless I partake in Limewire!
  12. Damn right, Better Man - Pearl Jam B)
  13. Quite fancy some dance tunes though I'm no' too sure. Anyway, I am Mine by Pearl Jam
  14. Just because someone doesn't have kids doesn't mean one cannot debate their actions, it's like saying because no-one here has a run a country means they cannot discuss what a w**k whoever in power is. Sort of...
  15. ELO - Mr Blue Sky Then Mr Rock & Roll by Amy McDonald.
  16. There was one up on the Queens website, a shot right along the terracing, cannae mind who we were playing that day. Anyway, upshot of the story was that I was in it, I looked like a wee grey midget. Didn't help that I was standing next to one of me tallest mates at the time either!
  17. Ah, you see, that's what you get while you're there though. Everybody has seen the transformation from semi-coherent Ginger to drink dropping ginger and thus the point and laugh factor. See, planned it out a T
  18. See Lyn, that's where the whole point of being a lightweight comes in. Have a great laugh, drink yourself silly, and go home before the pictures are taken
  19. First one looks like a middle aged Rasputin Second one, ha ha ya ginger bassa!
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