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Casual Bystander

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Everything posted by Casual Bystander

  1. As Internet claims are as worthless as Bitter together promises, one can only go on what they read. As it is, you have certainly failed to convince me of your intellectual prowess when discussing economic matters up until now. What is even more suspicious is that you suddenly make this claim 400 posts in when there have been numerous other economic discussions and ample opportunity for you to do so before. Of course the fact that I graduated from university with a 2:1 in International Relations then did a further Masters in Psychology would be irrelevant for me to mention now as it would be dismissed as quickly as I have dismissed your claims.
  2. Offt I await the seethe and bitter condemnation of that article. While it certainly has a fairly pro-independence spin to it, it finishes with the quote... Loyalist meltdown in .. 3 .. 2 .. 1 ..
  3. You have absolutely no grasp on modern economics. Both Smith's and Keynes' work are still considered highly relevant even in today's markets.
  4. I still contest that the pollsters have missed a trick. There is a huge undercurrent of people that would refuse to be polled for numerous reasons and the majority of them are likely to be Yes voters. Whether that majority will be enough to tip the balance who knows. I think it's these people, those who had stayed off the polling register since the poll tax or who had become disillusioned by politics, that are the real reason the 3 stooges made their way North. It's also why the stupid of the Miliband brothers has been making efforts up here as these people come from the traditional Labour heartlands of the disadvantaged and poverty stricken. Also I just don't believe there are these "shy no's" who feel unable to give their support to the No campaign on Internet or phone polls. In the street? Perhaps, but then I know many people who would simply not answer in the street full stop, regardless of their opinion.
  5. Your painful and obvious butthurt about Salmond is absolutely hilarious. No matter the result of the vote, he'll be in power in Scotland for at least another 2 years.
  6. This whole "shy yes" stuff they are trying to push is pretty pathetic. I could understand why those in the street might not want to say they are voting No, but phone or Internet polling? Nobody is "too scared" to give their opinion in those circumstances. I heard Curtice greeting on BBC earlier, saying that the poll that had Yes well ahead must be completely ignored and that all the ones showing No in the lead were the real polls. It was a joy listening to him trying to justify it.
  7. It's the same line that Eddie Mair used on Salmond the other day on PM. Trying to say that the largest donor doesn't agree with a key policy and how embarrassing that must be. Salmond replied in superb form with the, "surely it's testament to our honesty and integrity that we don't have policy dictated to us by big donors, unlike other parties in Westminster." Spot on, absolutely volleyed Mair's cheap line into the net.
  8. So the loyalists around here are sitting pretty knowing it's a cake walk? No need to turn up to vote then lads, after all it's going to be so easy a victory.
  9. f**k me.. that is a desperately rattled response from someone making a simple response.
  10. Like equality the pollsters have manifestly ignored the undercurrent of those in society. Those who don't have credit cards or mortgages, that don't show up on credit rating reports, those who haven't been on the electoral register until for this vote, those who wouldn't give a pollster the time of day. It's those people who the polls ignore and it's those people that I believe will be the reason why on the ground we see lots of support for Yes, while in the polls it's far more even. I've said from the start the picture the polls were painting wasn't correct, and I kept to that opinion even though they have narrowed.
  11. Nobody will cover it. The BBC will refuse and in a deal with STV they basically have a blackout, then a story will appear maybe 4 days afterwards claiming it was a handful of nutters. That's what happened last time. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-scotland-politics-28079812
  12. Could be, I really can't see how the current ones would be so positive when the massive negativity bomb has been dropped from Westminster. I would like it to be otherwise, but we'll see.
  13. Jesus, that main story though, talk about laying it on with a trowel, that is disgusting journalism.
  14. If the number of people registered to vote, actually voted (which won't happen) then there can't be a dead heat as I believe it's an odd number. If on the night there was an actual dead heat there would be massive recounts and legal threats flying all over the place. Spoilt ballots would need to be rechecked, all in all it'd be a fucking nightmare. Technically if it was a dead heat after all that then No will have won, as the agreement is for 50% + 1 vote to be the winner.
  15. Well I'd hold off on that as polls tend to take a while to catch up with recent events. If anything I think that we are still to see a dent in the Yes vote due to all the scarmongering that went on over the last couple of days.
  16. Anyone stupid enough to fall for Westminster lies deserves Westminster rule

  17. How much to you trust Curtice? http://blog.whatscotlandthinks.org/2014/09/icm-put-yes-ahead-perhaps/ Bearing in mind he is a loyalist sympathiser, who really doesn't like putting forward a positive case for the Yes vote (as can be seen from the tear stained blog). Now would he be publishing an article implicitly stating a huge Yes lead if it was not true?
  18. Do you know what Fran Healy (Travis) said about Salmond? "I don't like him because he's fat" Seriously. Got to love musicians.
  19. Which flies in the face of other pollsters who have roundly admitted that the undecideds have been favouring the Yes. While I wouldn't count them as a Yes, that poll seems to show these voters as split 50/50.
  20. Well you might have read that, but it's clear you didn't understand it if you think that it means a union is the only thing providing the support for the economy. What is abundantly clear though is the fact that Scotland would in no way be the basket case that some in the media are painting it, should it decide to become independent. And that is the clear message that needs to be put forward. The fear mongering and doom merchantry is all smoke and mirrors.
  21. Don't like Scottish government or wiki links, how about FT: http://www.ft.com/cms/s/0/fff67a62-88fa-11e3-bb5f-00144feab7de.html If you can read between Curice's obvious seethe... http://blog.whatscotlandthinks.org/2014/09/icm-put-yes-ahead-perhaps/
  22. Fill your boots: http://www.scotland.gov.uk/Resource/0043/00430019.pdf http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Economy_of_Scotland
  23. You see, even if the ICM poll is way out it doesn't really matter. The last week has seen a massive onslaught of negative campaigning and fear mongering put forward by the Bitters, and a lot of it has been found out to be nothing more than thinly veiled threats and lies, however it has to have affected the mind set of some of the Yes support. A poll that shows so many people supporting the case for independence doesn't need to be correct for it to have a galvanising effect on the will of the Yes camp and their supporters.
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