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Everything posted by cracowjambo

  1. shishigami 06-03-2011, 10:13 Toilet paper. I used to come on my stomach but somehow I frequently manage to ejaculate to one side, getting it on my bed if I don't catch it. Or once it went so far I got it on my face. That was immensely surprising and unpleasant. I find that if I do it in the shower it frequently gets caught in my pubes, leaving me with an obnoxious mess to clean up. Is getting a cumshot up to your face not a achievement all men feel proud of ?
  2. Did you w**k into a sock in front of the guy to emphasise how good it was?
  3. I got f**k all out of it. My girlfriend said she seen a shirt I would like but never got it. What's the point in her looking if she wasn't going to get it.
  4. Next is having a 75% off sale today. I get woken up at 6am on my only day off for fucking shopping.
  5. Do you have sky on your boat? Are you going to live on it over the winter?
  6. It was a compliment on your boats ability to stay afloat
  7. He is rather angry. How come you've not finished your boat yet? It's no the titanic
  8. Buy a Gun and shoot them. I hate the c***s aswell. But when they run it's funny
  9. I'm having my first bowel movement in 4days it feels great.
  10. I have a black and white telly on a stool. You should consider it. It's amazing value and looks fantastic
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