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Everything posted by Fullerene

  1. Odd. DUP. Are you sure you got that right?
  2. There were four performers in Forbidden Planet who would later appear in Columbo as well. Three of them would play the victim.
  3. Once he appeared in spoof films such as Airplane, it became difficult to take him seriously in his early roles such as Captain in the Poseidon Adventure.
  4. The Sinatra/Willis connection continues. The Studio was contractually obliged to offer the lead role in Die Hard to 70 year old Sinatra. Thankfully he turned it down. https://www.digitalspy.com/movies/a34997895/die-hard-facts-frank-sinatra-john-mcclane/ Obviously this should be "I didn't realise they were NOT in it" thread. So I will also mention a Russian Ballerina who had had enough of humiliating roles where people smeared ice cream on his face. Push a man too far, I would say.
  5. Capital Punishment for Loitering would probably achieve all these things in one go. The ECHR would throw us out. Paedos, Illegals, the workshy, anyone claiming welfare, anyone using the NHS instead of being at work. Sounds like a winner to me.
  6. To be honest it is easier to believe than talking snakes and all that stuff.
  7. "Hmm. Can't be that difficult to change a 'q' into a 'n'. Where is that dossier? Let's spruce it up."
  8. Another bad experience was Alien vs Predator 2. Zero character development so you didn't care if anyone got killed and worst of all was really poor lighting so you were always struggling to make sense of what was going on.
  9. Yes. Carefully positioned so the driver couldn't watch while he was driving. That was an initial mistake, I would say.
  10. No actual cinema experience will ever compare with taking the bus between Glasgow and Inverness in the days of Video Recorders. As soon as the bus was about to leave the station, the driver would start the video. Occasionally it might be a film I would be happy to watch but often it was the same video again and again and again and again. I got to recognise "The Adventures of Grizzly Adams" within the first five seconds. It was absolute torture.
  11. Bruce Willis made his acting debut in the film "The First Deadly Sin" alongside Frank Sinatra. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ElYoof_BG8w
  12. David Duchovny was in Working Girl. His acting debut.
  13. Oasis also suffered from a personality disorder where they would do V signs to the camera and just come across as rude. Americans didn't care for the Sex Pistols doing this and it didn't work for Oasis either.
  14. Apparently George invited Eric along to ensure the other Beatles were on their best behaviour. There is a version on the anthrology album that has George instead of Eric. There is also a star-studded video with George and Ringo. It is excellent. I agree that this video is great. Prince was a very talented musician who could play about 27 instruments. He steals the show on this one. Dhani Harrison definitely looked pleased to be there. BTW He released an album of his own last year called "Innerstanding".
  15. This sounds a bit like that 1970's show "The Fantastic Journey" witth Jared Martin and Roddy McDowell where some people on a yacht were transported to a mysterious island and enjoyed numerous time travel adventures. Even that show got cancelled early on. Can't see how it could be more interesting with a planeload of Malaysians.
  16. Don't expect spiderman to show up in Dubai any time soon. He boycotts anywhere the Tom Cruise likes to go. Doesn't like the competition I guess.
  17. I had an old boss who told me that if I worked really hard, he would send me to Dubai. From that point onwards I stopped working so hard.
  18. Apparently there is flooding in Dubai. That should offer up lots of possibilities for things to do especially if you work for emergency services. On the question of when to visit, I would suggest not now.
  19. Also when using a mobile phone you actually just need to touch it with your finger or thumb as opposed to an actual click.
  20. Yes and I should point out that that is the button with the words "Submit Reply" on it.
  21. After the War, the World decided the Jews should have their own homeland. The UK offered up Palesttine without a great deal of thought to the people who are already living there. Meanwhile over in Iran, the people elect a Prime Minister who thinks Iranian oil should belong to the Iranians. The UK thinks this is a bad idea and along with the US replaced him with a dictator who though Hitler was misunderstood. That proved unpopular and led to the revolution and the theocracy that Iran still has to this day. If any country should be asked to sit this one out, I would suggest the UK.
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