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Richey Edwards

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Status Updates posted by Richey Edwards

  1. If you're fat don't get ill.

  2. Liposuction for your fat mouth, boy! Cut out your tongue, effigies are sold!

  3. A drained white body hanging from a gallows is more righteous than Hindley's crochet lectures.

  4. Have you seen the other me at times?

  5. Is it too late now to say sorry?

  6. I knew all along that I was right at the start, about the seeds of the weeds that grow in your heart!


  8. They say it would be wine and roses if England were for Englishmen again...

  9. Why does love always feel like a battlefield?

  10. Seeing your face up close is better than through a telescope.

  11. The motion of taxis excites me when you peel it back and bite me.

    1. Bigmouth Strikes Again

      Bigmouth Strikes Again

      Something is squeezing my skull.

  12. if you ever need self-validation just meet me in the alley by the railway station!

  13. You're just like me, just like me, and your life has not even begun!

  14. And when you slam down the hammer, can you see it in your heart?

  15. World peace is none of your business.

    1. Bigmouth Strikes Again

      Bigmouth Strikes Again

      Police will stun you with their stun guns.

  16. Shyness can stop you from doing all the things in life you'd like to.

    1. Bigmouth Strikes Again

      Bigmouth Strikes Again

      its the bomb that will bring us together.

  17. Rangers are as dead as Maggie Thatcher.

    1. SodjesSixteenIncher


      but what if Thatcher is not kill?

    2. D.A.F.C


      xxx_Craigwhyte_xxx hardscoper is confirm?

  18. So damn easy to cave in. Man kills everything!

  19. You don't like me but you love me, either way you're wrong. You're gonna miss me when I'm gone!

  20. Hospital closures kill more than car bombs ever will.

    1. endieinreekie


      Evidence please. Be very specific.


  22. Whenever Marley Watkins is mentioned I always think of his namesake Ian.

  23. Organise your safe tribal war

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