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Everything posted by stillresigned

  1. I made that very point in a phone call to my cousin earlier on tonight. Superficially, it seems that Northern Ireland is been ‘ rewarded’ for thirty years of killing each other. However, looking at it objectively I hope(?), this latest act is probably the (hopefully)denouement of 800 years of conflict in Ireland, but I am neither so naive as to hope this marks an outbreak of brotherly love on the island of Ireland and I expect to see more twists and turns on the road to eventual lasting peace. That been so, of course it still does make a precedent that it is not beyond the wit of man for a special solution to be found to satisfy Scottish aspirations in the short to medium term. Although, as you alluded to we have an ample supply of mumpties in Scotland who may well wish to recreate the Troubles here in Scotland. And in that regard, I wouldn’t sure put the use of agents provocateurs by the British State if it’s back was to the wall here as well. Onemcan only trust in the good sense of the,Scottish people not to deviate from the strictly peaceful and democratic methods that the pro-Independence movement has practised for the last 100 years or so. At heart what I am trying to say that whilst I do not like certain MSPs relegate Independece to a period of 25 years in the future I frankly cannot see it happening any time soon .
  2. Don't think either can really complain? Think they are where they are for a reason i.e. neither are particularly that great. As ever with European football nowadays money matters and for that reason I feel that Celtic have a better chance of progressing than do Sevco. Although to be fair it'll really depend on how their respective signings blend into each side. Again, I would imagine Celtic have the edge here: although Morellos if he behaves himself and stays out of trouble still represents Sevco's main threat at this level of football
  3. Anybody else think our penalties summed up our attitude and performance yesterday afternoon, i.e. flat, lacklustre and totally lacking in self-belief or conviction?
  4. Thought he had a decent enough game, particularly on his debut: did enough to suggest that he certainly has the ability and obviously only time will tell if he has the correct mental attitude
  5. All this journalistic hogwash about whose going to take charge of the Big House/Drum (?) at Castle Greyskull and nary a mention of the complete lack of money or access to funds thereof? The complete lack of serious analysis of all things red, white and blue is a disservice to Rangers supporters most of all.
  6. Just to add a sense of perspective to all the official hand wringing(and shaking) I was flicking through the channels the other night and came across a story on Chanell 5 about some poor bugger who got caught playing golf whilst gettting DLA, he got four months as a guest of Her Majesty and has got to repay £12,000, fair enough you might say. And, heres this mob fiddled God knows how much, yet the powers that be are falling over themselves to help them and to make excuses for them. I've got to say the whole saga is now getting totally delusional with Blue Knights riding to the rescue(presumably on white horses), as usual no mention is made of the fact that this team and its supporters represent the very worst in Scottish society let alone footbal. Its really starting to read like a rather poor imitation of a Kafka novel1
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