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Everything posted by Tibbermoresaint

  1. Do you get some kind of kick out of being an abusive wee scrote?
  2. Cry. Cry. Cry. But give this dreary hand-wringing up. It's tedious.
  3. You're desperate for your 5 seconds of fame. Bore off.
  4. More grist to the mill: https://www.comresglobal.com/polls/britain-elects-westminster-voting-intention-july-2019/
  5. Are there clinics to deal with hysteria? I hope for your sake there are.
  6. So you agree physical addiction is a real thing and not as simple as saying "they choose to be addicted"? It comes as a result of a decision being made. Tragically for some babies others inflict their choices upon them.
  7. Basically telling a poster that his Nephew deserved to die and that he was a terrible Uncle because his Nephew was a drug addict. Pretty vile stuff that me & throbber called out immediately, he should have been booted there & then. I'd take this with a large pinch of salt.
  8. No they didn't but their body is physically addicted to a substance. How are you failing to see you're completely proving my point by contradicting yourself? They did not choose to take drugs. Someone else made that decision for them.
  9. Incorrect. Wasn't me who got his posts deleted for being a c**t. You're still trying too hard.
  10. And yet they are addicted to a substance. Kind of proves the point that physical addiction is a real thing and not a choice as you and oaksoft claim, which is entirely the point I'm making. Did they choose to take drugs? No.
  11. Don't choose to take drugs and you won't be addicted. Addiction is a choice.
  12. You are responding to absolutely everything. You say you have hope , we know this is a lie. You're also trying too hard.
  13. Well if you say so then I must have been right in the first place. You're trying far too hard.
  14. I don't think Conservative voting Brexiteers are allowed to be snowflakes tbh. You think wrongly.
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