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Salt n Vinegar

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Everything posted by Salt n Vinegar

  1. Two pints of that then! Make a change from creme de menthe.
  2. Anyway, a cheeky wee malt would be a welcome alternative. Given some of the ages of fans in some videos I've seen, a lager frenzy wil mean they'll spend most of the game in the lavvy.
  3. Well, that's us knackered. BoJo has just wished us well for tonight. Everything he touches turns to keech.
  4. Tories also think that the poor don't need heating. Lizards just lie in the sun to warm up, so there's a clear lead being given by nature. What the poor need is a lot less mollycoddling and a lot more "taps aff".
  5. Some sects of Christianity train the congregation quite regularly during communion. "Kneel down and let me put this in your mouth... " (For the hard of thinking, that's what's called "a joke".)
  6. Hopefully they'll be paying so much attention to Tav and Kent that someone else runs riot. I fancy Kent's chances of earning a penalty. (Preferably when it's 0-0 and there's only 2 mins to go.) I don't know how I'd handle extra time and penalties.
  7. F#ckitty f#ck f#ck. (Wordsworth) Mrs Salt and Vinegar and older son have tested positive for covid. Well, I know what'll help me keep busy until kick off. Cups of tea/cups of coffee/ biscuits/ sandwiches/ boxes of hankies/ paracetamol/ bag of crisps/make up spare bed/wiping everything down with nuclear strength wipes.... We might have to wear masks to watch the final. Lucky white heather anyone?
  8. I confess that my better nature had to assert itself as we were cancelling the order. It was a close run thing, but I stopped myself adding something other than milk to one of the bottles and leaving it outside. I did wonder about some tight git giving his office pals milk in their cuppa that was about 25% salt, but I decided not to sink to the thief's level. Didn't even get a medal.
  9. It's more common than you might think. We used to have milk delivered twice a week and so much got nicked we had to cancel the order. Maybe one out of every 5 or 6 'went missing'.
  10. I was going to use that pun, you little thief! Now I know why I don't like Mondays. (I know, different group, but the best I could do at short notice....)
  11. I find it quite funny that so many folk in the media and the general population are utterly besotted with the whole idea of the monarchy that it never entered their minds that some folk actually think the whole idea of it is ridiculous. I'm not shocked at the booing, I'm shocked at the shocked reaction.
  12. Some folk will do almost anything to get rid of these effing grey squirrels.
  13. Eurovision popular vote delivers massive "roon yie" to Putin. In retaliation, Russia bans music.
  14. No, I'm saying that the BBC aren't responsible for her receiving the death threats. Ok thanks, fine. It seemed to me that you might have been blaming her, which would have been a pretty clear case of victim-blaming, in a 'serves her right' sense.
  15. They should get Graham Norton to commentate on the Russian performance in the "special military operation". Bad enough that it's a s#itey performance, but to have the pure piss taken out of them at the same time would be excellent viewing.
  16. I'm not sure about the point you are making. Are you suggesting that the death threats were in some way justified?
  17. The poor bloke is probably digging up roads in Siberia today.
  18. Bore draw incoming. Everybody's legs intact, despite the best efforts of the "hackemup" brigade, then off to Spain.
  19. Rejoice! How dare they take attention away from the far more important news... the 'she was nasty to me' / 'naw ah wizny' / 'aye yie wur' being fought out in the courts between two people who are famously married to footballers.
  20. It would be interesting to hear a Minister of the Crown explain why there were not sufficiently strong security concerns to prevent the peerage, when the document was redacted on security grounds.
  21. In respect of the latest wad of fines, based on our previous experience of similar things, I think that these breached will be treated really, really very seriously right up to just short of the point where any disciplinary action is taken.
  22. BBC's just announced another tranche of fixed penalty notices. 50-ish, I think I heard. Popcorn frenzy cometh...
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