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Eric Cantona

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Everything posted by Eric Cantona

  1. Sanglante magnifique.... I would start rambling about how the beauty of these women can only be matched by the beauty of an eagle soaring through the sky without a care in the world, but my brain's filled with the thoughts of an ungodly nature and I think I should leave now.. mon Dieu
  2. Tell no-one, The McCole must stay hidden...

  3. I agree, the child touchers should be covered by gunge! And then fed to the cats.. It's the Circle of Life..

  4. Your a wise man, i welcome into my inner circle. Congratulations...

  5. My greatest thank you for the welcome back comment, you have my respect

  6. My issues are all as pressing as each other. Not one ranks above the other, much like the ranking systems of ferrets in the wild, the one with the sharpest teeth takes my attention until i am safe

  7. I am CANTONA! I never give up........

  8. Non, i am still here, was gone for a little while though. Never fear though as i am Cantona! And like the indigious wood squirrel i am always in view but not always seen, listen to every rustle and squeak and one day you will see me, looking for my nuts to get through the winter. It's a strange life that everything, no matter how big, small or furry is always looking for something, would bring a tear to my eye but i am CANTONA! And i search for nothing!
  9. The duck-billed platypus is beautiful

  10. Merci for the beautiful comment

    jamamafegan4 = best friend

  11. Pensez-vous que je suis un imbecile? Je sais quis ce site est un FAUX! Car je suis CANTONA!

  12. It is my pleasure Mr Bee, for I am Cantona
  13. Ahh the quickest mind of all is the Star, for you live with the Gods and see our beauty as the eagle sees the trees. Your swift and witty mind reminds ne of the common bumblee bee, so quick to sting without realising death comes from haste. Be more like the wasp and you shall enjoy the honey more
  14. Does the polar bear thank us, for all we give it?
  15. A fine wine from the hills of Marseille, Magnificent
  16. An hours nap is all a man requires. Like the panda, sleep needs us more than we need it
  17. Thank you for ze comment. It was a dream to kick that kind of person, i done it for the little people. The little people who do not enjoy the hooligans, so i kicked him for them

  18. Oh Leeds i miss you like a farmer misses his goat. Good luck my former parakeets, may the best of luck follow you like a baby gorilla follows their mother
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