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    Inverness Caley Thistle
  1. One of the first comments: "Anyone want to be admin of this page cba with it anymore" You couldn't make it up.
  2. http://vimeo.com/24175601 Cool music video (WARNING: contains cartoon blood)
  3. http://openbook.org/ This site makes me realise that my Facebook friends aren't actually that bad when it comes to terrible statuses. Type in anything and I guarantee you will feel a lot stupider for having read what comes up.
  4. Loads of people liking this page: "23rd May 2011 - The Day It Was Windy" Aye I did notice...
  5. Pretty cool video http://vimeo.com/17991495
  6. Wayne Rooney's on it now, Rio Ferdinand confirmed it was him: @Wazzaroon08
  7. It really is hilarious; the Radioactive Man one that was put up last night had me in stitches for a good few minutes.
  8. Turns out it is a fake . http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Landover_Baptist_Church
  9. http://www.landoverbaptist.net/showthread.php?t=40617 http://www.landoverbaptist.net/showthread.php?p=533274 This site can't be real, can it?
  10. 1. Posting pseudo-intellectual quotes that they've blatantly stolen from elsewhere to try to make themselves seem "deep". 2. People who feel the need to post a status every time there is a change in the weather (usually happens when it's snowing or there is an unusually warm day). 2. Posting terrible jokes from Sickipedia and claiming them as their own. 4. People who play those wee game things where they answer questions abut others and you have to click to find out what they've said 5. Those 30 day challenge things - are people really naive enough to think that anyone else gives a shit?
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