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Bold Rover

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Everything posted by Bold Rover

  1. This morning on my commute in, I phoned 4 drivers on their clocks.
  2. Penny has dropped. Play on “take”. Rubbish joke, wasn’t worth the thinking time.
  3. Careful he doesn't throw his toys at the nice cars.
  4. I'm thoroughly enjoying your trip to Cork! Are you purposely avoiding the G stout?
  5. Deary me. Nice to meet you, too, Gary. And, no - your suggested characterisation does not describe me. When I’m on the carriageway, I moderate my speed to facilitate safe merging from the left. When entering the motorway, I will consider a brief right indicator flash to inform traffic already on the road that I intend to enter now (and not further along the slip.) May I refer you to Roadcraft, the guidance for Advanced Motorists?
  6. A quick flash of the indicator can be helpful to show your immediate intention to join the carriageway.
  7. Of course,ost people manage it fine. The minority cause the issue.
  8. God, where to start?! I, too, am a learner (aged 65)! In my opinion, single malts are the way to go. Personally, I enjoy the peaty Islay whiskies. The Strathspeys are, generally, sweeter and easier. I think I am learning that one gets what one pays for! Enjoy your exploration!
  9. Heineken taking a lot of hate, here. It’s not the worst beer on the mainstream market. I’ve been in the Netherlands several times recently and found it quite refreshing on a hot day. Far better than, say, Carling, Fosters.
  10. Presently in Amsterdam. Had a europint of Hertog Jan earlier. Quite like that
  11. This. I met Tony after a Groundhogs gig at the QM c1976. They were past their best but still a good night.
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