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Everything posted by PELE

  1. Were you not originally Dundee Hibs in the good old days when we used to pummel you in the lower leagues?
  2. I think it is about time someone (who can be arsed) re-writes the Rangers info on wikipedia.
  3. When we reach page 666, the beast will appear from the shadows of Castle Greyskull and slay all us non believers. You have been warned. Stop this thread now and start a new one. Before that happens I will throw in a few more lines. Surely time is running out. Nobody is going to save them now (not that any of them were ever serious about doing so. They only wanted to keep their nose in to see if they could pick them up on the cheap). It looks to me like they really are going to go bust. They are fast running out of money and they don't even own most of the future season ticket income. If they had any sense, none of the knuckledraggers would buy a season ticket (just pay at the gate) and that way ticketus would not get any money. Before they know it, they will be bust. The remaining players will walk off on free transfers and they will be left with nothing. If they took their punishment fair and square and pleaded to get into the 3rd division then other fans would be a little bit less hateful (only a little bit though). They are laughable at best. If they were allowed to do what they have done and get off with a minor telling off, every other club could do the same. Run up huge debts buying trophies they did not deserve (they cheated their way to them all), refuse to cough up when caught and expect to start it all over again! I think the SFA and league should wipe all their titles and cup wins from the records for the last twenty five years. They are no better than drugs cheats.
  4. You are quite right. The punishment should be far worse. What great deeds are the Rangers masses going to do? Are they going to offer to pay all the debt? No? They are going to do hee-haw, business as usual.
  5. The truth is nobody ever had any serious intention to save them. Nobody has actually offered anything for the debt ridden hole and certainly won't now. As for Whyte, he was too scared to face the SFA. Can't we just deport them all over the water where they belong.
  6. The only reason Rangers are in administration is because Craig Whyte did not pay the tax owed from when he was in charge. Nothing to do with anyone else.
  7. What has the size of the club got to do with it? Not every club in this country has loans they cannot afford to repay.
  8. I am surpised Livi are not protesting about being moved to the 3rd division forum, because they are too good for it. Watch, they will refuse to post soon!
  9. I am surpised Livi are not protesting about being moved to the 3rd division forum, because they are too good for it. Watch, they will refuse to post soon!
  10. There is not a hope in hell of any appeal being successful! The Livi supporters should turn up and play ( or play the shire supporters ) to fill the time. Why don't some livi fans blag it and turn up in a bus with some lookalikes for McD and co and play the game. Or, are the supporters too good for the 3rd division as well? After all, the supporters would have more chance of avoiding bottom of the 3rd division than the team. Will shire charge an entrance fee? I think Cowden should send a team to play the shire as well as Arbroath, just in case.
  11. There is not a hope in hell of any appeal being successful! The Livi supporters should turn up and play ( or play the shire supporters ) to fill the time. Why don't some livi fans blag it and turn up in a bus with some lookalikes for McD and co and play the game. Or, are the supporters too good for the 3rd division as well? After all, the supporters would have more chance of avoiding bottom of the 3rd division than the team. Will shire charge an entrance fee? I think Cowden should send a team to play the shire as well as Arbroath, just in case.
  12. The SFL should boot Livi out! Let them join the junior league's ( doubt they would be wanted ) and they could refuse to play again because they are really a 1st division team! Anyone want to start a petition to get Livi booted out?
  13. I am off to the 3rd division forum now, I think. Or is it the 2nd division forum?
  14. Assuming they actually handed over the money at the time. Sorry, that was cheap. Maybe some of the money can go to the creditors then.
  15. Livi lost their right to that. You have not, but your club has.
  16. No, they are out of a job because of Livi's actions. How many times does it need to be said? The people who lost their job and the creditors due money are the only people I have sympathy for. The whinging fans should start a collection for them.
  17. Oh, now we are fellow Scots are we? When it suits you of course.
  18. I am unbiased actually. I would have preferred to have been in the 3rd division and win something and get promotion on merit, but your excuse for a club has ruined that. If you and the other Livi whingers were just blaming the chairmen of your club, then you would have had my sympathy, but clearly, deep down, most of you think you are better than the rest of us and don't appear to give a stuff about anyone else. You are where you belong, the 3rd division. You better get used to Albion Rovers and the rest giving you a beating, because it will happen week in week out, if you even survive. Honest endeavour and Livi! I believe it when I see it. You are not Lions, just losers. I'll be betting on whoever plays Livi each week. I'll bet the odds on Forfar for the 3rd division title will tumble now.
  19. I think the tide would have turned by now and you would have got some revenge. Although, you never know ( and won't for a good few years at least ).
  20. That's it, just keep blaming everyone else. It was never dear 'old' Livi's fault. What might this unfair advantage be that you refer to? Would that be where you put people on the dole because you have pissed their money away on effectively cheating your way up the leagues? You really are pathetic. Good riddance! I hate to see clubs struggle and risk losing everything, but then, Livi are not a club as far as I am concerned. Bring back Meadowbank I say. At least they served a purpose. P.S. If my club were in this position, I would take the lenient punishment and accept it, because it would be well and truly deserved. You, like some of the other Livi whingers, still think it is somehow unfair and it is still someone else's fault. Are you going to offer to pay the creditors the money they are owed?
  21. At last, a great decision from the SFL. How pathetic are the statements from Livi about SFL decision being the death knell for the club. Sorry, but they still do not seem to get it. Livi got themselves in this position, nobody else put them there. Poor old McGruther, got it so wrong this time! Why can't they survive as a 3rd division club? Is it because they are really a big club and do not deserve to be relegated? Poor souls! I think they got off lightly. They should still have a points penalty in the 3rd division. It is hardly fair on the teams in the 3rd division if Livi come in and try to buy their way out of the league ( what, spending money they don't have to do so? Shocking assumption on my part ). They are lucky to be in the 3rd, damn lucky, because teams like Spartan could easily do a better job than the criminals from West Lothian and show them how a club should be run. I was looking forward to challenging for the title with Forfar and East Stirlingshire, something we could win. Now we are in a league we are ill prepared for at almost no notice, thanks to Livi. The only bonus is that we have much shorter trips in the 2nd division and greater revenue ( I wonder how this affects wages ). Does anyone know if Livi still have to provide a bond before playing in the 3rd division ( obviously a much lower bond )? You never know Livi, you may well be begging for Massone to take over again. After all, he has fifty grand burning a hole in his pocket!
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