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Status Updates posted by Smurph

  1. RIP Benny Harvey. Get well soon.

    1. jamamafegan


      RIP big man, we hardly knew ye.

  2. Wonderful film. I've seen it a silly number of times now. Cheval is the greatest character in any film ever.

  3. (null) LOL jk

  4. I look forward to your second-coming. It's more anticipated than the return of Jesus.

    Haha, of course I am. The little scamp.

  5. No bother mate. Good luck with your career!

  6. You have to edit them a bit man. Take a screen shot and use paint to cut off the needless bits. It takes more time but it makes it look neater.

  7. Hello. Are you okay? I miss your posts x

  8. I do indeed. Up for it?

  9. Do not worry, Eric, I have your back. I'm on your side.

  10. I do apologise, although it was tough trying to get transport at 12am.

  11. You are quite correct, Eric. You are quite correct.

  12. Thank you. I can't say I'm looking forward to this hill.

  13. Yes. Of course.

  14. I believe you viewed my profile.


  16. I'm a VL. Fancy it?

  17. Hiyah!

    That must have been someone else. Mine was admin related, but I didn't get it. I got a suit out of it though, so no complaint there. I should be getting a work placement in Poundland now, where everything's a pound!

  18. Your rep. is -123. This amuses me.

    A vote for Sooky is a vote for change. Sooky for mod!

  19. Did you have it as a soup?

  20. And Scott, you have just lost that bet! :P

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