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Everything posted by ecto

  1. On currency if Scotland becomes an independent country GBP 1/3 New currency 3/1 Euro 10/1, That's of Feb. 13, that's from Ladbrokes Politics
  2. They will get votes, they will give some a "bloody nose", but will struggle to take seats It seems to me that UKIP will take votes in the south of England from the Tories, on a anti- Europe ticket, but further up England they could take votes off other parties on a anti- immigration ticket, strange
  3. Or you could be completely wrong on all of above, just saying
  4. Ladbrokes latest odds 1/5 NO 7/2 YES just saying
  5. Must do, all these debate programmes had 2 on Welfare, 1 on immigration , god knows how many we will get between now and the 2015 election, I include the indy debates as well, find Question Time is more than enough for me
  6. No I have contempt in equal measures for both teams, so no different reaction here
  7. Having a 70's thing just now quite a lot of ELO
  8. We don't do winter, tropical all year round
  9. No its not, just the same garbage over and over again, time for this thread to close
  10. A lot of this s**t has nothing to do with football! Message to P&B, time this thread was shut down
  11. Only 1070 pages on Scottish Independence thread, which is quite important, 4962 on this garbage, which is only about a team who play a sport, f**k sake!
  12. You have to admit Rangers supporters having a go at the behaviour, of the supporters of any other club, is a bit of a hard neck
  13. Like seeing James Spader doing his best John Lithgow impression
  14. think now its funny that it was always put forward in the main by Rangers fans that it was Celtic and their fans were paranoid about everything, but it would appear that when it comes to paranoia Rangers and their fans have taken it to new highs
  15. If it looks like a duck, waddles like a duck and sounds like a duck, its a good bet it's a duck So oldco/newco it appears to make no difference, it appears still to be Rangers FC
  16. Think 250 will be more than enough, if Shane Watson cant bat, but 300 would be better
  17. ecto


    I hope that the boy who was up singing with Bruce on Tuesday night is aware, that no matter what he does the rest of his life, he is unlikely to do anything as cool as that
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