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Bert Raccoon

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Everything posted by Bert Raccoon

  1. St Patrick's Day as well so no doubt full of well reasoning normal people
  2. Supposedly he paid $5000 towards Virgil's funeral so he's not a total c**t. Just needs to learn when to take a step back for a bit.
  3. Point proven. MS paint is a dying art due to this guff
  4. AI images, nothing to do with the Willy Wonka charlatans, that's hilarious but just every arsehole under the sun sticking a couple of words into an AI Generator to respond to whatever. It just looks shite. Lol it's a parrot with a top hat on smoking a cigar. f**k off
  5. I do wish they got to run with it, would probably have got worse. On a note around weird WCW around the early 90s, I must be the only one who enjoyed the Chamber Of Horrors match. Was so bad it was good, everything about it was awful
  6. Thought our very own @itzdrk had got a job on the doors there for a minute
  7. Always reminds me of Soccer Am
  8. Without wanting to derail the thread and turn it into best TV themes, the correct answer is Magnum PI. A-Team at a push
  9. From what I've read it was only expected to last two series but I doubt they expected it to be as popular as it is. Reading various articles it looks like at the earliest some point next year they'd be able to get a new series done but can definitely see it happening at some point.
  10. Was just reading that. I wouldn't say it's impossible and I do think we will see more of it but probably not for a good while unfortunately
  11. Just finished series 2, fantastic drama with some great acting, absolutely buzzing for series 3. Just started watching Love/Hate again from the beginning to fill the void for a bit
  12. Just back from a night out in Carlisle with the Mrs. Cracking place but it's honestly like a zoo and I'm used to Glasgow on a Saturday night
  13. Enjoy but not as good a pint as The Vaults. Better clientele no doubt though
  14. I've had a a fair few recently wanting to discuss loft insulation. The fact I stay in a bottom flat doesn't seem to stop them trying their pish
  15. I once queued outside for 16 hours to get T In The Park tickets. Kids today don't know they're born
  16. Read this the other day and whilst I think it is ridiculous, playing devil's advocate, if you received payments towards say your gas to save you from freezing but you just put on five layers of clothes, didn't stick the heating on and pocketed the cash they'd have a right to take the money back. A bit of empathy for his situation wouldn't go a miss obviously
  17. God is Alanis Morrisette so you are correct
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