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Everything posted by youroldda

  1. If murray just stays agressive and just realises he's better than these guys when he attacks he will win majors galore ...no one can live with him when he stays on the attack!!!
  2. No such thing as a good personal number plate, anyone who has one is a fud, its like having your name on your clothes its only for complete tools
  3. Whats the chances of kris boyd alcopone knightswoodbear no8 answering the no8 oh dear thread? or are they all cowards ?... :)

  4. Women at cash lines burst ma fukin baws, why are they so fukin slow? guy goes up bang bang bang tenner, next guy bang bang bang 20 quid women goes up....she fukin reads the screen as if its going to ask her something unusual like the capital of France,then gets a statement!! reads it puts her card back in reads the screen again takes out money along with.....a fukin other statement reads that then puts it in her purse...as if her magic piece of paper statement will solve any discrepancies with the account...look Ive got a piece a paper says a took only a tenner oot!! then pulls out a fukin different card and goes through the same bullshit again!!! argghh
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