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Everything posted by davidalexander85

  1. As well as United Glasgow, there is already a team called Glasgow United who are members of the SAFA playing in the Glasgow and District Saturday Morning League.
  2. Paul, I keep seeing you repeat this and I feel I need to address it before it's repeated so often that people accept it as fact. As you know, I am not on the board but I do run the club's hospitality. It's a role I've been doing since Gary Ballantyne resigned and I offered to review the costs of the matchday catering. It always annoyed me that we didn't do any hospitality so I offered to take up the responsibility of negotiating this with NLL and after a slow start it now seems to be taking off. I can assure you that not a single person has been given free hospitality for any reason. Sponsors have booked tables and given spaces to fans they have become friends with but the club or board of directors have not given away any hospitality to anyone. Bottom line is the margins are so thin that giving away hospitality doesn't make any sense and I wouldn't take the booking. It would be an insult to the people who give up their normal Saturday routine for free to welcome and serve guests if we were dishing out hospitality for nothing. As for spaces on the team bus or the golf day, not my area but I certainly have not heard of people being given those for the reasons you suggest. The Supporters team were offered a free golf day place some years ago due to a last minute cancellation, small reward for the guys who represent the club all over Scotland every Saturday morning, not to mention the amount of work that many of the players do as volunteers across many areas of the club but there's no chance that spaces are routinely given away for free. I stopped posting on P&B as it is not always the best place to engage in reasoned discussion and some people have a habit of confusing my opinions with my dads, but felt I had to put the record straight on this one as it could put people off coming forward to assist in future. Thanks goes to the many volunteers who help with hospitality, Club 58, Bar 58 etc and if we ever get to a place where we can reward people with free hospitality then these guys will be first in the queue!
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