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Everything posted by beefybake

  1. As a student, in 1973, I shared a flat a few yards from Crosshill Station ( Queens Park Ave ). Thought it was actually rather nice around there.
  2. I receive Extinction Rebellion's emails, and have made donations to their legal defence funds. From my reading of the mails, this action occurred due to the way Extinction Rebellion is organised. Small sub-groups can go ahead with their actions, even if peer sub groups, or national organisers disagree. The peer sub groups, and the national organisers did disagree with this action going ahead. Discussions are now taking place to learn from this, and to prevent it happening again.
  3. I remain of the view that the Conservative party is in implode mode.
  4. I'm not well up on this. Is what you're saying is that the US/NSA is carrying out surveillance, in the UK, on UK citizens..... because British intelligence is not permitted to do so ? And it's done with the direct agreement of the British government ?
  5. He's a troll. Don't give oxygen to a troll.
  6. Are you a twat or something ? 5 seconds and a google search will lead you to an infinity of what you and each one of us can do.
  7. If repeated opinion polls are correct, and the public have turned against Brexit, I don't think that all the maneuvoring and posturing about Ireland is going to change minds.
  8. £152 for underwear. What relevance does her underwear have to her public duties ?
  9. Not really. It's mostly stuff that is about one step up from .... "..... it's all a natural phenomenon...", while smearing Green politics, activism, and the intelligence of the average person.... to muddy the waters.
  10. Must admit, I thought Francis Coppolla had retired to his winery in California, or wherever. Anyway, there's nothing new in what this FC is saying. The travails of the Metro Bank have been widely reported for weeks, and months, in the business pages of the mainstream news media. As for Royal Mail, the 'new chief being sought' is simply the vacant post for another director. What FC is saying is that shorting companies is what shorters do. It's their everyday business. Basically he's putting up a snow job. And doesn't offer any evidence that Rachel Johnson is talking out of her arse.
  11. The Boris Johnson...... Grope/Grab them by the Pussy moment..... Breaking news ? https://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/entry/waugh-zone-boris-johnson-tory-conference_uk_5d910ea9e4b0019647aa637b?guccounter=1&guce_referrer=aHR0cDovL2MubmV3c25vdy5jby51ay9BLzEwMDI1MzU3NDY_LTE4NzczOjI1MzU4OmxhdGVzdF9uZXdz&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAAC80RwOUoxj6TOUKLPi8pBJ5ZK1NbsaLefOSD6qIbBJqymXILarp3tfIxelHlxW7GpvJQgk7MmNhM59yQZ7q7bRKqRwg0nvStZISeAsByKjJbzLgnIwzPrVqFDtnuGQuTP6CQuxfDGixOyE9hyV8qipgR0GTrITRaGSg-Qs_6Owp
  12. The thought that public monies to her companies, my taxes, helped him get his leg over is what makes me want to puke.
  13. You bought the first, pre Beta version,off Johnson, Gove and Farage. Let's face it, he's just another useless, lying, two-faced Tory c*nt. But with a smiley face. AAaaaaaah.
  14. There's more on this in print 'Observer' today, can't find a link..... But it's basically this..... https://www.presstv.com/Detail/2019/09/29/607429/PM-backers-could-profit-from-nodeal-Brexit where Hammond is sticking it to Johnson, and Johnson's sister is also.
  15. Some years ago, I worked full time for 6 months as a volunteer for a South East London charity that gave computer training to people with disabilities. The charity was medium sized, turnover about £9 Million a year in todays money. Like many other charities they didn't have a large base of personal/individual donors. They relied on fund raising from charitable foundations, project grants, and also grants from the Westminster government. Much of the grant money was in the form of match funding. That is, "We'll contribute X pounds, if you can also obtain X pounds from elsewhere..." A huge amount of the 'elsewhere' funding came from EU funds. As for magic money trees, read the wording above carefully.... ".... the government has guaranteed funding..... " not "..... the government has guaranteed fully/matched/replacement funding.... " Basically what is really being said is that money will be drip fed into scenarios, up to a total limited amount. As always with Tories...., the weaker will suffer.
  16. In truth, following Boris Johnson's life, personal and work, has always been like wading through a mire of sh*te. I've seen some of his exchanges with questioners, at the London Assembly (?), when he was Mayor of London. The arrogance, and contempt is an exact replica of his recent behaviour at Westminster.
  17. Johnson, with the insulting, inflammatory behaviour, and Geoffrey Cox etc... obviously trying to force a vote of no confidence. Total political pondlifes.
  18. I lived and worked in the Republic for just under a year in 1980. By which time the IRA had gone from, prior to the Troubles, occasional hold-ups of rural bank branches, through the escalation in the '70's. As I recall, by the time I arrived, the Irish Government viewed the IRA as a threat to the Irish State, and were jailing IRA members as fast as they could catch them.
  19. Which country ? The SNP don't have candidates down here in Englandshire.
  20. Don't think so. Johnson will keep on brazening it out, lying unreservedly, until he's forced out. ... blaming Parliament, other MP's, the law.... and he can proclaim himself as the Great Martyr, and ready to fight another day for whatever cause he can attach himself to, for the benefit of Boris.
  21. Well, we can all find a meme, if we can't make the argument.
  22. I don't read the Sunday Times. I do read, and pay for, the Observer. I can only say the Guardian, Observer views of Corbyn seem almost hysterical, one step removed from foaming at the mouth. Bearing in mind that the Guardian/Observer is a self described liberal newspaper, and the LD's are a completely discredited party, looks to me like Corbyn is doing just fine.
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