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Bigmouth Strikes Again

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Everything posted by Bigmouth Strikes Again

  1. Thanks for the kind birthday sentiments. Farmboy.

  2. Bloody hell, I thought my reputation was bad. Keep up the good work.

  3. Cheers bud, you've done a few good posts yourself.

  4. I'm not sure whats going on here but whatever ghostie says is fine with me,

  5. That Kiwi polish is this business. You can see my face in the shine on these dancing shoes.
  6. They should have been punted to the third at the time of the 'Kachloul affair' any other professional league anywhere in the world would have done the same, but no, not these clowns that run the scottish game.
  7. Spot on, and thats why i'm going to have a right good laugh when it goes 'tits up'.
  8. Thats my favourite as well you did'nt see Clarkson for dust when the 'good ol' boys' arrived with the guns and dogs.
  9. He's pissed off back to Italy. Looks like administration on Monday.
  10. Welcome. Its good to have another proper team in the 1st div. instead of that airdrie scum.
  11. The sooner this dying carcass of a football club breathes its last the better.
  12. Do the decent thing livi just f**k off and die, because this is getting boring now.
  13. 4 fold came in at the weekend Blackburn:win Hamilton:win Hearts:draw Dunfermline:draw £2.00 payed out £109.96 B)
  14. Massone in the press again today stating everything is fine and there are no problems.
  15. This is bad. You don't mess with the Inland Revenue. The same thing happened with us after admin and if we had'nt paid them what they were owed they would have shut the gates...no ifs no buts.....closure simple as.
  16. The Smiths Indeed,at Doghouse Dundee Sat night.
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