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Posts posted by xbl

  1. Don't judge him too harshly. All his friends are leaving him. :(

    Its so true! He's becoming more and more isolated on here, as more and more people shift positions. I said a while back that I suspect he will actually vote Yes, and will then claim that he was a Yes supporter all along, and deny ever saying something different.

    I reckon the only thing holding him back is his inability to admit that he's got something wrong. HB has a 100% record of never being wrong. Apparently.

  2. I think p and b is very mixed. There are some smart people and a lot of very stupid people.

    On an equally straw poll basis i work in an IT firm. There are about 20 people in my area - all graduates. Just 1 Yes voter.

    The smart people i know will be voting No.

    It is truly remarkable how No voters all seem to work and socialise in No dominated environments. This has the whiff of Tryfield's funeral all over again. The smart people I know that have done some research are all voting Yes.

    I don't know anyone who has done some research and then decided to vote No.

  3. Not quite :P I am aware that anyone that didn't vote technically became a NO vote anyway in the 79' referendum. But that I was just wondering if the abstaining would have had a similar impact to people that didn't vote back then (counting as a NO vote), or if was just 50% + 1 of the people that voted YES and NO.

    Im not 100% what you mean, but there is no 50% of the population requirement, so abstaining doesn't have the same impact. If anything, a lower turnout is better for Yes, as it is likely to be soft No voters that won't bother to vote.

  4. Vote in this poll. (Hope it works!)


    Interesting set of results with the single question asked

    Why vote in the poll? I don't use moneysavingexpert.com. Why try and skew results, when its very interesting to see them in their naturial state, in a site that theoretically should not be biased towards independence.

    Leave the poll alone unless you use the site!

  5. I'm quite into personal freedom but the UK government, and indeed any future independent Scottish government, have a duty to do their very best to keep their citizens safe.

    Surely they were just doing their due dilligence on this guy? They've found nothing, so he's free to go :)

    The several months in waiting did puzzle me though.

    He's been here for well over a year. He's already had to provide absurd amounts of documentation on a regular basis and is treated with suspicion for the crime of coming from that well known terrorist hotbed of Malaysia.

    After all this, he quite naturally resents being told "at least you're not risky", like he's some kind of terrorist. He's here to work and study, and yet every time he has to go to the immigration centre, he feels like a criminal. There is a limit! So he's voting Yes, as he is eligible (commonwealth!), and so is his wife. :D

  6. To put this in perspective, she's from Texas.

    Just let that sink in.

    Aye, its getting more and more obvious. My friends have to visit those "GO HOME FUCKING FOREIGN SCUM" immigration offices on occasion, and they find them deeply unpleasant places to be. I also mentioned before I think that my Italian friend got grilled at the airport, with some surprise that he was Italian. He was cursed with a dark tan after a summer holiday.

    I've been trying to increase the Yes vote by inciting hatred of the British government and their racist policies.

  7. My Malaysian friend has just formally converted to Yes (he gets a vote as he is resident here), based on the way the immigration office talk to him. Apparently he wanted a visa application to go on holiday, and they told him "There are no problems with your application, so we will process it within a few months. At least you're not risky for this country." Apparently he's sick of being treated like a terrorist for some reason...

  8. This pension thing is getting pretty tedious man, we get it.

    Clearly Reynard doesn't. The first time he was caught out, he did a vanishing act. The second time, he came back a few months later and made the same lie. He does it on all politics and expects to be taken seriously as some kind of informed uber pundit.

    As long he spouts his lies and maintains a denial of ever being wrong, I will continue to remind people of his lies. Otherwise, unaware people might take him seriously when he's just another deegas or hb these days.

  9. If I was Alex Salmond, I'd start leaking documents floating the idea of a land swap. You know, if you're not letting us keep "your" pound, and you're trying to steal our sea, maybe we should look at the land border? We'll agree to give you the current sea borders and shoulder a share of debt, but we'll take Newcastle, Carlisle, and Berwick.

    After all, Britain proposed to do something similar, except they proposed to annex rather than swap.

    Incidentally, I meant to quote this from the article above:

    People of the north, it's time to choose. English? Or Scottish? Here's a shibboleth for you – the word "supper". If it suggests an informal meal in someone's kitchen involving salad, white wine and moaning about school fees, you're English. If it suggests something battered with chips, you're Scottish.


  10. Did you and your dad run across the room to high five one another when you heard about this?

    Just curious likes. You have previous for that sort of thing when aircraft collide with buildings. Just when we're on about embarrassments to a forum and that sort of thing.

    Are you disagreeing with my post? I'm not interested in making this thread all about me, so if you want to have a go at me, then go to my thread (top 50 best posters). This thread is about the events in Glasgow.

    ETA, and thats my final word on your ad hominem on this thread.

  11. This is what is in dispute. He was caught out telling lies.

    I was pointing out that by 2035 Scotland pensioners are projected to reach the figure of around 22%. Whilst the rest of the UKs will be 18% by the same time.

    I also pointed out that Swinney was absolutely skewered by that leaked document that proved he was worrying about the IMMDEIATE impact of the pension hit Scotland will be liable for IMMEDIATELY upon any separation.

    Vikington is a plook faced c**t who doesn't know who his father is.

  12. Which figures do you dispute exactly?

    Are you saying that Scotland DOESN'T have a population that is ageing faster than the rest of the UK as a whole? That was the crux of this story. It has subsequently been backed up by all the available evidence including just over a week ago by the IFS report which fully backed up what I have been saying for a few years now.

    Find the figures you are disputing and get back to me, unless you have simply picked up a ball and are running with it even though you have no idea what you are saying or doing.

    Lets start with this quote:

    Here's some more for salt and source boy <_<

    6.1. The United Kingdom population is projected to increase from an estimated 62.3 million in 2010, reaching 67.2 million in 2020, rising above 70 million in 2027 and reaching 73.2 million by 2035. Over the 25 year period this equates to a 18 per cent increase - a slightly bigger increase than projected in the 2008-based projections.

    6.2. Figure 9 illustrates the projected change in the populations of the four countries of the United Kingdom from 2010 to 2035. It shows that the populations of England, Wales and Northern Ireland are all projected to grow quicker than that of Scotland. By 2035 England's population is projected to be 19 per cent higher than in 2010, Northern Ireland's is projected to be 11 per cent higher and Wales' 12 per cent higher. During the same period Scotland's population is projected to grow by 10 per cent.

    Figure 9 can fucking wait its turn <_<

    Is it from more up to date or an older source than the 2012 ONS figures?

  13. Which figures do you dispute exactly?

    Are you saying that Scotland DOESN'T have a population that is ageing faster than the rest of the UK as a whole? That was the crux of this story. It has subsequently been backed up by all the available evidence including just over a week ago by the IFS report which fully backed up what I have been saying for a few years now.

    Find the figures you are disputing and get back to me, unless you have simply picked up a ball and are running with it even though you have no idea what you are saying or doing.

    No, we are saying that your figures were wrong and out of date. You were caught lying about old and out of date figures.

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