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JK Rowling meltdown


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Of all the writers/artists I've ever admired who were quite loathsome people outside of their work, there's few who compare in general beigeness and absurdity quite like J.K. Rowling's twitter account. Disregarding that her online presence is sullied somewhat by her weird, weird fanbase, the rather passive nature of her simpering pish and the proponents her political view who hold them/her up as some downtrodden, bullied genius is just nauseating. I'd at least have respect for her views which I don't agree with if she had the dignity to fight her own battles, but the apparent speed-dial line to the Daily Record to cry foul from being called names online by someone who is richer than the queen really doesn't wash.

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As an SNP fan boy and all round yoon hater I'm on #teamrowling

McGarry started it off by tagging her to the comment so obviously wanted her to respond. As for the actual accusation who the f**k has time to audit everyone they interact with online? Actually, Rowling could probably pay someone too but that's not the point.

The pair of them are a pair of professional twitter victims.

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As an SNP fan boy and all round yoon hater I'm on #teamrowling

McGarry started it off by tagging her to the comment so obviously wanted her to respond. As for the actual accusation who the f**k has time to audit everyone they interact with online? Actually, Rowling could probably pay someone too but that's not the point.

The pair of them are a pair of professional twitter victims.

Don't agree. I've always admired Rowling despite disagreeing with her on Scotland's future. However, I'm now of an opinion that she's really twisted. She knows what this Spanner guy writes and yet she maintains an openly cordial relationship with him - he's rumoured to be a well known Scotsman journo btw.

I have kids and were they old enough, I would hate them to come across Spanner's misogynist hate online. Rowling is a role model, and to young women, girls, in particular. She should know better.

Funnily enough, she's gone quiet on the libel threats. She must know that it would open a huge can of worms and tarnish her reputation not to mention possibly destroying the career of Mr Spanner. It's a wonder that this type of hate speech hasn't seen Police Scotland involved? Football fans get nicked for saying less.

The real Mr Spanner:


Edit: McGarry is an unwise participant in this mess. She's not in the wrong - she was patently correct in what she tweeted. This type of online abuse went on despite of McGarry and was aimed at many people, mostly SNP but also one or two Labour MPs.

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Holy shit, it's Better Together's secret handbook. Everything on that list was employed by them.

5. Wait For One Of Them To Break The Law, Then Talk Only About That: "Cybernats" a-go-go. Look at these evil independent supporters! Send the Daily Mail to their doorsteps to show the country how bad independence is.

4. Convince The Powerful Majority That They're The Oppressed Ones: "We are the silent majority", and its attendant claims that the noble, patriotic regionalists are terrified to voice their opinions for fear of militant, bullying NATS.

3. Focus On Their Most Frivolous Complaints (And Most Unlikable Members): "Cybernats"! "Cybernats" everywhere!

2. Pit Two Disadvantaged Groups Against One Another (And Insist That Only One Can "Win"): look, the people of England will be left to suffer if Scotland tries to govern itself. Why do you want them to suffer? Look, the English don't have a parliament - they have things much worse than Scotland with its fancy devolution settlement. Look, independence might have been alright back in the 70s, but not today.

1. Insist that any change will ruin the world: The only people happy about Scotland becoming a nation state are the dark forces of the world.

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he's rumoured to be a well known Scotsman journo btw.

Rumoured by people who don't get the in-jokes of that group of Scottish Twitterati. I don't know who Spanner is, nor do I know if Rowling knows who Spanner is, but I'd be very certain he's not Euan McColm.

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Rumoured by people who don't get the in-jokes of that group of Scottish Twitterati. I don't know who Spanner is, nor do I know if Rowling knows who Spanner is, but I'd be very certain he's not Euan McColm.

Based on?

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Based on?

Based on common sense and a complete lack of actual evidence. Just saw that blog described as going "straight in to secret oil-field mode", which seems about right.

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As an SNP fan boy and all round yoon hater I'm on #teamrowling

McGarry started it off by tagging her to the comment so obviously wanted her to respond. As for the actual accusation who the f**k has time to audit everyone they interact with online? Actually, Rowling could probably pay someone too but that's not the point.

The pair of them are a pair of professional twitter victims.

Audit? She's replied to his tweets and retweeted some of them. She only follows 290-odd accounts.

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Rowling knows who this guy is for sure. Someone :blink: has calculated that 7% of her tweets are to him.

As to the ID of Spanner - Rowling's incrowd have joked about Mccolm and his alter ego. He won't fancy a courtcase airing all his filth in the public domain. I'm willing to bet that Mccolm's erse is knittin socks right now.

.@jk_rowling has only tweeted 2,972 times. How many of those have been to the misogynist @BrianSpanner1?

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A more punchable face you'd struggle to find.

Sorry, but all too easy.


All his fey cunterdom pales into insignificance to the irresistible force - a force which would compel the pacifist into instigating the Third World War - that is brought on by the merest glimpse of the smug shitgibbonry of the Cockwomble.

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Sorry, but all too easy.


All his fey cunterdom pales into insignificance to the irresistible force - a force which would compel the pacifist into instigating the Third World War - that is brought on by the merest glimpse of the smug shitgibbonry of the Cockwomble.

That's the first time I've seen a pic of McColm. Is it just me, or does he look like an older version of Tom Felton who plays Draco Malfoy in the Potter films?


Maybe that's why JKR likes him?

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Rowling was threatening action of some kind. Which is code for 'I will see you in court'.

McGarry does not have the kind of money to challenge her, she knows it, Rowling knows it. She could lose everything she has, Rowling could afford to lose a million down the back of the sofa and go 'so what?'.

Or does she?


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