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What's him being gay got to do with it?

I'd have thought Coburn being a thick loony bigot should be the source of shame for the daft c***s that voted for him, not his sexuality.

It's the irony of him being a gay nazi. Like yon Jewish guy on the Richard Dawkins documentary a few years back who's now an Islamic extremist.

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Farage seems to have facisty politics, his immigration policy smacks of lebensraum-lite.

Anyone who thinks fascism is coming back with uniforms and goose steps is in for a haddie. It will slink back as your mate down the pub who is not racist but...

Even the Nazis were not as obvious as people think in the 20s. They really did not become the party people think they were until after Kristalnacht.

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They won power with only about 33% of the vote in 1933 too.

And only a few months later Dachau opened.


TBH, Farage aint heading the way of Hitler as there are too many people who do see him for what he is and who do know their history. However, he and his racist pals could cause enough trouble to make lots of people's lives a misery. Hell, almost all of us seem to be either immigrants ourselves, have immigrant parents or grandparents or have some exotic foreigner as girlfriend, husband, whatever.

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Anyone who thinks fascism is coming back with uniforms and goose steps is in for a haddie. It will slink back as your mate down the pub who is not racist but...

Even the Nazis were not as obvious as people think in the 20s. They really did not become the party people think they were until after Kristalnacht.

Wait, what?


So what was the Beer Hall Putsch? A big old mad lads' pub crawl that got a bit out of hand?

No one was under any illusions about what the Nazis are, or their bare faced thuggery. Every year, the anniversary of the failed coup was treated as an excuse for beating up opponents, bricking Jewish windows, etc. It was also no coincidence that the SS was formed right after Hitler got out of prison to be his protection squad.

Violence and brutality was always central to the Nazis, few had any illiusions, and had it not been for Hugenburg's stupidity in thinking the Nazis could be used as muscle to boost his National People's Party (much in the same way the more idiotic Tories hoped to use Mosley in the 30s), Hitler would have remained scrabbling in the political gutters where he belonged.

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