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Repair/Remove anti reflective coating from glasses.


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I pay a fortune to have them thinned down. Have often considered getting contacts but can be arsed putting them in/taking them out. Are there contacts you can wear for longer?

I wear contact lenses and you actually get used to them quite quickly, though it's a bit of a nightmare when you're running late for something and you need to put the fucking things in quickly and they inevitably don't sit right. A lot of fannying about that could be saved by just wearing glasses but I never liked wearing glasses outdoors and my eyesight was getting bad so contacts were the solution.

Have fallen asleep three or four times wearing contacts. On every occasion I was pissed as a fart and forgot to take them out. That's another disadvantage.

Have considered going back to glasses but like yourself I would need to pay a small fortune to get thin lenses.

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