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About BissigWelpen

  • Birthday 11/06/1960

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  1. Don't lose your hope, keep going bud, something will turn up.
  2. Think you dodged a bullet there, he looks awfully unfit. But I think Boyd would do you a turn, despite his current season. Bissig
  3. BissigWelpen


    Started watching it on Chanel 5 last night. Highlight of the telly week. Great fun.
  4. Exodus, Gods and Kings. I am a big Ridley Scott fan and it was good fun, but God does kill a lot of people and animals in it, which isn't good because I am a human and a vegetarian. Thank goodness it is just a made up story. Joel Edgerton was fantastic as Ramses, acted Christian Bale off the screen. And María Valverde is stunning.
  5. Oscar my wee dug has been ill for a while but he's getting better. I took him for his first long walk today and we had a great time. I'm real happy.
  6. The bit on Facebook which states "People you may know"...popped up with this one today. And no, I don't know her, I think I would fuckin remember!
  7. I dislike (moderately) Scots people who pronounce the letter T like the letter R, as in "Scorrish"
  8. I miss the days when my Rangers friends would post all their travel plans about their next European trip.
  9. Got my Nile Rogers and Chic tickets today. Can't wait to Freak Out!!
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