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Posts posted by smpar

  1. Posted this in the View from the Terrace thread on the latest episode, which featured a segment on the Spartans Ultras, and thought I’d just copy it in here. Your Club and community looks to have some special people involved.


    Fantastic piece on the Spartans ultras. The Youth Work manager is doing an incredible job to promote the young lads to get so involved, not only in the match day experience but to have such an active role in the Club and in the community will have an unmeasurably positive influence on the young people and the wider community.

    It was great to see the young lads involved in the filming as well, talking about what they do and the sense of purpose it brings them. It would be easy, and I’m probably somewhat guilty of this myself at times, to view these lads as ‘wannabes’ who might be getting themselves involved in not-so-pro-social activities outwith, but to hear their motivation for moving away from that kind of lifestyle whilst still having the ‘casuals’ vibe is heartwarming and inspirational.

    Quite emotional typing that actually, well done all involved. 

  2. Fantastic piece on the Spartans ultras. The Youth Work manager is doing an incredible job to promote the young lads to get so involved, not only in the match day experience but to have such an active role in the Club and in the community will have an unmeasurably positive influence on the young people and the wider community.

    It was great to see the young lads involved in the filming as well, talking about what they do and the sense of purpose it brings them. It would be easy, and I’m probably somewhat guilty of this myself at times, to view these lads as ‘wannabes’ who might be getting themselves involved in not-so-pro-social activities outwith, but to hear their motivation for moving away from that kind of lifestyle whilst still having the ‘casuals’ vibe is heartwarming and inspirational.

    Quite emotional typing that actually, well done all involved. 

  3. 12 hours ago, Rob1885 said:

    Me and the guys I sit with were saying that too, Bene(as much as I and we all love him) could struggle getting back in initially.

    Aye I said as well that the outfield players will all have to earn their place again in the starting lineup, even though they’re all either the most talented or influential in the squad. It’s hard to watch performances like that yesterday and pick 4 players who don’t deserve to start again. Mehmet is the only one I would say is a certainty about getting his place back straight away. Bene likely will as well, being captain and that, but it would be harsh to drop anyone from yesterday. 

    Just saw McCann’s near Puskas contender back, the confidence that boy is playing with is fantastic to see, absolutely gutted for him that that didn’t go in, after the free kick at Hampden and that effort yesterday he must feeling pretty fucking good right now😅. Really pleased he got himself a goal though. 

  4. On 12/08/2023 at 20:20, Cardle is Magic said:

    Loved seeing Rhys Breen sitting in the Shed with the Pars fans ❤️

    I know football fans are fickle and you really shouldn’t be so gooey eyed over something so trivial, but this team is just so fucking loveable. The connection between the players and fans feels really special. 

    On 14/08/2023 at 15:15, Gigi Alabocheré said:

    Apologies. Black and white striped only. Hoops are for smelly little farts.

    They play in maroon mate. 

  5. McPake is being quite vocal about being fucked off at Fisher who didn’t mention having the squits until a few minutes into the second half last night, citing it as a lack of leadership. 

    Maybe not since it was a Tuesday night, but I wonder if that led to one of his infamous 2am-post-six-cans-of-Stella texts the Dundee fans told us about. 

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