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Everything posted by EdgarusQPFC

  1. he could easily pull a Nixon, pardon those who are being looked into then arrange for pence to pardon him when he stands down
  2. Just found out that Black Panther is being written and directed by Ryan Coogler, the guy who wrote and directed Creed. I was excited enough for this film, now i cant wait!
  3. Cheers bud, absolutely zombied out atm and all of this is going over my head. TBH i think i need my bed
  4. Seemingly the charges raised don't relate to things involved in Trump's campaign, but one would assume that they hope he will roll over and give them the dirt on Trump in exchange for some kinda deal if i am interpreting this correctly.
  5. Been playing Arkham Asylum all day as I just woke up in the mood for it. Can't explain why but I literally woke up thinking "I really wanna play that" Maybe I had a dream about it that I can't remember
  6. The tech was great on paper, in practice it was a very unreliable mess. Some games developed specifically for it were and still are entirely unplayable.
  7. His tweets absolutely reek of someone who is worried they are to be caught out on something. Reminds me of being a kid knowing I've done something wrong like breaking something and know that I'll be found out shortly.
  8. That was postponed til Tuesday because they daft buggers forgot to bring any books
  9. Seen Thor Ragnarok tonight. Pretty funny film, The previous Thor films tackled serious issues with really forced humor that just came off as awful. As much as i am a big fan of Natalie Portman, she was wasted in those films because no matter how hard she tried, her character was just unlikable and her assistant was fucking dreadful, so i was glad to see they got the boot in this film. The new characters they added, namely the Valkyrie chick and the stone dude were brilliant. While they didn't give much of a character to Helga, Cate Blanchett is a good enough actress to still make her a entertaining (and fucking gorgeous) villain with pretty clear motivations. Tom Hiddleston was excellent as always and while he was usually the highlight of the Thor films, this time he totally took a backseat to allow a excellent Chris Hemsworth to take the comedic lead and really add some much needed depth to the character and brilliant comedy timing. Oh and the cast of the play at the beginning? Fucking outstanding.
  10. http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/weird-news/man-three-foot-penis-life-11413178 http://nypost.com/2017/10/26/man-enjoys-life-after-losing-3-foot-long-penis/ Avoid the mirror link if you are the faint of heart. "A Kenyan man with a 3-foot penis and 11 pound testicles is finally getting the chance to live a normal life — now that his massive package has been surgically reduced, reports said." 11 pound testicles. 11 fucking pounds.
  11. May or may not find this interesting, but its a pretty civil debate between the left leaning Kyle Kulinski and right leaning youtuber Razorfist, Moderated by TJ Kirk aka The Amazing Atheist. I'll admit to knowing nothing about either of them prior to going into this but they both seem fairly passionate and informed about the questions posed to them and if anything else its interesting to see how far apart the left and right are on issues. Well maybe its interesting to me as im a left leaning centrist so while i find myself more often than not agreeing with Kyle's opinions, on a couple of points i can totally see this Razorfist fella's points and while i might not entirely agree with them or even outright disagree, i can respect them. Pretty surprised by TJ's moderation also, seeing as he is a pretty outspoken guy at times, he stays completely neutral and gives both plenty of time to voice their thoughts, as a good moderator should.
  12. Oh, The Kinect is officially dead, its been flatlining for years but seemingly Microsoft have pulled the plug entirely, they have stopped production and will no longer seek for companies to make games exclusively for or with features intended for the Kinect.
  13. The Rumor mill has always said that Microsoft gave them enough money for the exclusive to offset any potential losses but i suppose the real question is did this ultimately lead to more console/software sales to justify the financial risk or did microsoft lose money.
  14. It just shows how actually lucky they were with the 360, cause they clearly didn't understand gamers
  15. .........or less likely to lie in the first place.
  16. If the above is true, then she deserves to receive the same sentence the accused would have received, plus be placed on the offender registry. That's how I would tackle anyone found to be a false accuser. If he or she is willing to ruin a person's life with a lie then they deserve to have their life ruined too.
  17. Playing Mass Effect 1 on Xbox360 On the very last planet just about to drive the mako to the teleporter which will take you to the citadel for the endgame. Have done every single mission I could find, probably clocked 40-50 hours at this point. Too tired, keep making silly mistakes and dying. Decide to save my game, get back to it tomorrow when I get home. Get home from work, have dinner and prepare myself for the next installment of the game, completely unaware that I was near the endgame as it was my first playthru. Hit power on the 360. Error messages. Won't boot to the Xbox menu. Hard drive has corrupted. All data on it is gone. 40-50 hours gone..... Not to mention all my saves for other games. This was before xbox offered online backups. Couldn't bring myself to play the game for a year, every time I tried to restart it I was reminded of everything I'd lost. Finally bring myself to play it again. Finally complete it this time. Realise how close I was to the end of it before. 7 years later, it still hurts.
  18. The Brother of the Las Vegas shooter has been arrested for possession of Child Porn. What a lovely family.
  19. I actually quite liked IM3, but I agree Winter Soldier and GOTG are the best MCU films. Spiderman 2(Toby Maguire) is also up there as one of the best
  20. Not about anything recent, but i was reading the wikipedia page on Rise of the Tomb Raider(to see if there was any info on a 3rd game) and i read something that kinda annoyed me. "In the UK, Rise of the Tomb Raider suffered lower than expected sales, selling 63,000 units, less than two thirds than that of its predecessor. Some gaming journalists have attributed the poor sales to the fact that the game released on the same day as Fallout 4." Bullshit. Here's a very simple explanation of why it didn't sell as well. Tomb Raider - released on all 3 major platforms (Microsoft Consoles, Sony Consoles and PC) at the exact same time Rise of the Tomb Raider - Exclusive to Microsoft consoles for 3 months, then released on PC, then pretty much a year later Sony Consoles Why would this be so difficult to understand, if you limit the availability of your release to 1 for a short while then 2 of the 3 main markets for almost a year, you will notice that you don't sell as many copies of said game as you did when it was available for all 3. I hope they don't pull this stupid shit with the next release. For some reason, the console companies think people are petty enough that if you forcefully limit a game to a particular platform, people will just go out and buy said console. While im sure thats true for some people, generally the kinda idiots who need to have every single new Iphone at release, even if they had the previous for a matter of months. For the rest of us with more sense than money will just say "f**k off" and ignore your game until its dirt cheap
  21. She is fucking amazing, easily the best actress in the show and the only actor in the show who even comes close to her is Peter Dinklage. Its all in her eyes, she can remain expressionless and still tell you exactly what she is thinking.
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