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Grant Shapps resigns


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Grant Shapps has resigned as International Development Secretary. He has been linked to the developing story of bullying within the Conservative Party's youth wing and it's offshoot 'Road Trip' which helped with campaigning during the General Election. Shapps had been linked with Mark Clarke, the co-ordinator of Road Trip, who stands accused to blackmailing both young COnservative members and a Cabinet minister (Rob Halford), viciously bullying a young Conservative, Elliot Johnson, who later took his own life, as well as using his position as Road Trip co-ordinator to have sex with young female activists. There are several allegations that he was sexually aggressive towards young activists as well as the Daily Mail-piquing shocker that he broke his mistresses jaw while shagging her.

For all the salaciousness of the story, at it's heart is a very sad story about Elliott Johnson. The Guardian has a good write up here - http://www.theguardian.com/politics/2015/nov/27/elliott-johnson-young-tory-destroyed-by-party-he-loved-mark-clarke

One thing this story shows is how desperate the Conservatives were for volunteers that they overlooked previously aired concerns about CLarke to allow him to run an important part of their campaign. Also, it highlights the histrionic way of student politics, except that some of the people here weren't students, or particularly young. Clarke is 38 but seems to spend his time involved in student union-style intrigues and plots. I was never involved in student politics much but the people who were seemed like proper, grade A c***s. Even so, the vitriol and terrible behaviour displayed by several of the parties is remarkable.

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I'm close to some people who spoke to Elliot now and again, and obviously this is a travesty.

Conservative Future has been a joke of an organisation for a while, and a fair bit of the stuff that's been announced has, unfortunately, not been much of a surprise. I'm also a bit uneasy with the cut-off age for membership being 30, considering most other young groups are around the 25 mark?

Wouldn't surprise me if there is a fair bit of mileage still to go in this story, especially as it seems to have been gathering momentum the past few days.

In positive news, Shapps is the definition of slimy politician, and I'm glad to see the downward trajectory his political career has taken.

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